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Re: Bug#583489: qa.debian.org: Please provide 1.0 (explicit) and 1.0 (implicit) information

Raphael Hertzog <hertzog@debian.org> writes:

> You can compute the difference between
> http://lintian.debian.org/tags/missing-debian-source-format.html (11811
> packages according to http://lintian.debian.org/tags.html) vs 12309 on the
> stats page that would give 500 packages that would have selected 1.0 in
> debian/source/format but there might be some differences in the package
> set covered (non-free included or not, I believe udd includes it while
> lintian doesn't).

Lintian includes non-free packages now.

> I had requested a pedantic tag listing package thas put 1.0 in
> debian/source/format but Russ Alberry did not want it, it's too soon
> according to him.

Basically, I try to avoid having Lintian take a position on a point of
active controversy, since from the Lintian perspective this just makes
people annoyed at Lintian and leads to them not using it, which hurts the
project for all the things that Lintian looks at that aren't
controversial.  Because of that, Lintian tends to be fairly conservative
on anything that people seem to be debating (although we don't always

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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