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Re: Permissions to create temporary tables

On 19/02/10 at 11:45 +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 08, 2010 at 11:09:43AM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> > I want to hear your opinion about
> >    udd/sql/versions_archs_components.sql
> > which creates a temporary table in a function which is not allowed to
> > any user. Do we want to allow creating these tables or would you think
> > I should try to find a different solution?
> I just copy the code of the function to the end of this mail.
> I would like to hear your opinion about giving permissions
> to create temporary tables.
> Kind regards
>         Andreas.
> /***********************************************************************************
>  * Obtain available versions in different releases for a given package             *
>  * This function takes a package name as argument and returns a table containing   *
>  * the release names in which the package is available, the version of the package *
>  * in this release and a string contained an alphabethically sorted list of        *
>  * architectures featuring these version.  In the last column the component is     *
>  * given.                                                                          *
>  * See below for an usage example.                                                 *
>  ***********************************************************************************/
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION versions_archs_component (text) RETURNS SETOF RECORD AS $$
>     Declare
>         package     ALIAS FOR $1 ;
>         r           RECORD;
>         q           RECORD;
>         query       text;
>         query1      text;
>     BEGIN
>         -- make sure we have the components in reasonable order
>         query = 'SELECT component FROM (SELECT component, version FROM packages WHERE package = '''
>                  || package || ''' GROUP BY component, version ORDER BY version) AS cv GROUP BY component;';
>         FOR r IN EXECUTE query LOOP
>             query1      = /* -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmpReleaseVersionArch ; */
>                  'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmpReleaseVersionArch AS
>                  SELECT release || CASE WHEN char_length(substring(distribution from ''-.*'')) > 0
>                                         THEN substring(distribution from ''-.*'')
>                                         ELSE '''' END AS release,
>                             -- make *-volatile a "pseudo-release"
>                         regexp_replace(version, ''^[0-9]:'', '''') AS version,
>                         architecture AS arch, component
>                     FROM packages
>                    WHERE package = ''' || package || ''' AND component = ''' || r.component || '''
>                    GROUP BY architecture, version, release, distribution, component
>                  ;' ;
>             EXECUTE query1;
>             query1 = 'SELECT release, version, array_to_string(array_sort(array_accum(arch)),'',''), CAST('''
>                  || r.component || ''' AS text) AS component FROM tmpReleaseVersionArch
>                  GROUP BY release, version ORDER BY version;' ;
>             FOR q IN EXECUTE query1 LOOP
>                 RETURN NEXT q;
>             END LOOP;
>             DROP TABLE tmpReleaseVersionArch ;
>         END LOOP;
>     END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
> /***********************************************************************************
>  * Example of usage: Package seaview which has versions is in different components *
>    SELECT r as release, version, archs, component
>      FROM versions_archs_component('seaview') AS (r text, version text, archs text, component text)
>           -- you have to specify the column names because plain RECORD type is returned
>      JOIN releases ON releases.release = r
>           -- JOIN with release table to enable reasonable sorting
>     WHERE r NOT LIKE '%-%'
>           -- ignore releases like *-security etc.
>     ORDER BY releases.sort;
>  ***********************************************************************************/


I don't really understand what this function is doing.

Remember that creating temporary tables causes disk writes in
postgresql. Is there really no other solution?
| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas@lucas-nussbaum.net   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
| jabber: lucas@nussbaum.fr             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |

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