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Bug#560697: qa.debian.org: old watch file used for DEHS for pam-pgsql


2009/12/14 Jan Dittberner <jandd@debian.org>:
> On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 04:28:46PM -0600, Raphael Geissert wrote:
>> It uses the watch file and version information from the first entry it finds
>> of a package in Sources. So yes, your package is not yet at the same
>> version in all the architectures.
> It is at least on all supported architectures in unstable. Even the version in
> testing has a newer watch file.

No, check packages.d.o, hurd still has the old version DEHS is finding.

>> I will eventually make it use the latest version no matter in what place in
>> the Sources file is, but this requires more work than what I am willing to
>> commit to DEHS right now.
> Would you like me to provide a patch for this issue?

Would be great if you could provide one. Basically what needs to be
done is move the code that injects the new packages in the temporary
tables outside the loop that reads the Sources file of each archive
area. That loop should then be modified to store in the hash the data
that is later to be injected into the database, and compare the
version numbers if an entry already exists on the hash. The db-related
code should then work based on the generated hash.

Raphael Geissert - Debian Developer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net

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