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Re: How are packages associated with resigned debian developers handled?

Paul Wise wrote:
> On Jan 10, 2008 3:37 AM, Luk Claes <luk@debian.org> wrote:
>> Hmm, debian-qa is not a maintainer, it's not like the QA Team maintains
>> packages, it is only a go-between maintainers IMHO. I don't really get
>> the part about group maintenance in this discussion...
> Historically the QA team has done maintainence on orphaned packages;
> fixed RC bugs, cleaned up packaging.
> Matej Vela has been one of the main people doing this, but there have
> been others.
> It would be a shame if this were to be discontinued, perhaps we can
> get the Ubuntu MOTU people to form a Debian Universe team to maintain
> packages without a specific maintainer?

It's not a shame at all. You maybe didn't notice, but the MOTU Team was
maintaining some packages in Debian, but are recently orphaning these

It's only logical. It looks very interesting to do such a thing till you
realise that noone who is maintaining the packages really uses the
packages and that the packages have little to no users and more and more
 packages reach that situation till it's not manageble anymore...

It's far better that people who use the package or know many people that
would yell at them that use the package to maintain it as they have a
real interest which will last longer...



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