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Re: Bug#357020: dict-wn: could not be installed when runningalternative for dictd

On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, Martin Michlmayr wrote:

* Andreas Tille <tillea@rki.de> [2006-07-18 15:06]:
I asked whether we might want to remove serpento.  I'd vote for
it but my question was ignored.

Any opinions?

I suggest you ask a) the maintainer of dict b) the MIA people and c)
the maintainer.  All (B)CCed.

Thanks for CCing these people.  What would you regard as reasonable
time to wait for them?  An alternative solution from my point of
view came into mind.  I asked in January this year for help to upgrade
to the next version of wordnet in


This mail was ignored and my conclusion would be that there is
no further interest in dict-wn.  So if I stop building the dict-wn
package the issue with serpento is just circumvented (at least for
dict-wn) and I can finally continue working on newer versions
of WordNet.  When I took over the separate dict-wn package to
build from a common source I spended much time to get the tool
that converts WordNet into dict format working in the packaging
context.  Now I realized that it does not work any more and
upstream is dead.  I personally do not have neither time nor
reason to debug this tool.

What would you think about stop building the dict-wn package?

Kind regards



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