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Request for sponsored NMU

I've created an NMU for glademm.  This removes the build-depedencies on 
GNOME 1-base for removal,libraries libbonobomm1.3-dev, 
libbonobouimm1.3-dev, libgnomemm1.3-dev, and GTK 1.2-based library 
libgtkmm-dev; the upstream maintainer stated that these are not 
necessary dependencies -- in fact, that all they are good for is 
providing default version information, and that removing them doesn't 
lose any functionality.

The GNOME 1 libbonobomm and libonobouimm libraries are targets for removal,
as nothing uses them.  All three are currently uninstallable in unstable
(due to the libpng mess).  The maintainer, Bradley Bell, hasn't been replying
to bugs and seems to be on vacation or MIA.  This actually helps unblock
the libsigc++ dependency chain getting into 'etch'.

The package also closes a few already-fixed bugs.  There are undoubtedly other 
improvements which could be made, but I didn't feel that it was appropriate
for this NMU.

Binary package is built, successfully, with pbuilder, and installs
and runs successfully.

The package is at
.orig is not included as it is unchanged.

So could someone sponsor and upload please? :-?

I feel a little silly asking for sponsorship of any upload that any DD
could have written themselves in an hour -- but the fact is that no DD
*has* written it, so I figured I needed to do so.

Nathanael Nerode  <neroden@twcny.rr.com>

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