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Remove pgeasy from testing

Hi QA!

The source package pgeasy has no proper copyright (please see
#227793); its homepage says it is BSD, but there is not a single
copyright statement in the source tarball itself. 

Its upstream author promised to release a new version some weeks ago,
but did not report back so far. Would it be appropriate in this case
to remove pgeasy from testing? This should not be a problem:

	martin@donald:~$ apt-cache rdepends libpgeasy
	Reverse Depends:

It seems that pgeasy is not very widely used anyway... I don't really
care about the package (I just maintain it because I operated it out
of the main postgresql source package), however I would maintain it
further if there was be an updated version in the future.

So I would vote for removing it from testing, but to keep it in
unstable for a while.

What do you think? What shall I do in this case? Bug Report against
ftp.d.o or qa.d.o?


Martin Pitt                 Debian GNU/Linux Developer
martin@piware.de                      mpitt@debian.org
http://www.piware.de             http://www.debian.org

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