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Re: sarge /[s]bin/* binaries linked against /usr

On Sat, Sep 11, 2004 at 03:27:01PM +0200, Fabrice LORRAIN wrote:
> Hello,
> On an uptodate pre-sarge box, the following shows some binaries linked 
> with libraries under /usr. Those binaries might (didn't test) fail when 
> /usr is not mounted.
> Is there a policy against this ? 

We follow the FHS, and it doesn't have a strict[1][2] word about it, 
but as far as I can see, either these binaries are not needed before
/usr is mounted, in which case they should be moved to /usr/[s]bin,
or they are needed, in which case they are currently broken.

With the exception of fsck.cramfs, I dont see that any of those binaries
is used before S35mountall.sh@ in /etc/rcS.d, so they seem to be the
former case. And, excuse me, what the hell is the point of fsck for 
a read-only filesystem anyway?

> Should I feel bugs ?

That would be mass filing[3], which you need to get consensus on 
debian-devel first. However, I think the preferred aproach for this
would be to send patches for linda/lintian to identify any such
linking in packages. This way maintainers will notice the odd linking 
int their packages when they run lintian/linda before the next upload
they do. After automatic methods to identify /[s]bin/ binaries linking
to /usr/lib have existed for a while, a mass filing process can be

[1] http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html#BINESSENTIALUSERCOMMANDBINARIES
[2] http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html#SBINSYSTEMBINARIES

[3] http://www.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/ch-beyond-pkging.en.html#s-submit-many-bugs

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