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New status report page for DDTP's descriptions


we at DDTP site wrote a new CGI script which hopefully displays a nicer
and more compliant report page about translated Debian descriptions
(i.e., pdesc).

Since you provide a link to our pages, I write you this email in order 
to show you how to access our new pages.

The CGI script for pdesc descriptions is reachable at


The script accepts the following options:

- package=string
The value of package is a string which holds the package name to search 
the translations for.  The string can optionally end with an `*' (see 
subword option).

- lang=(all|string)
The lang value tells the CGI script what language to search on.  `all'
means all languages known to the DDTP server.  A specific language can
be requested using the ISO 2-letter form (i.e., `de' for German, `it'
for Italian, etc.)

- type=(src|bin|all)
There are two types of descriptions available: those for source packages 
and thos for binary ones.

- subword=(0|1)
This option activates the subword searching technique when set to 1.  
This method is identical to that used in the Debian site when searching 
a package.  Basically, is allows to specify just the first part of the 
searched term.  Another form which works the same is to append an `*' to 
the searched word (i.e., think of how bash globbing works).

In my opinion, the link that suits your needs at QA is the following:


where `pkg' is the package name the user is going to see the report of.

Lorenzo Cappelletti  -  Webmaster at http://ddtp.debian.org/
The Debian Description Translation Project

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