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Unreachable maintainer: Greg Hookey


Greg Hookey is in the NM queue, but has been put on hold by his AM
(madkiss), for reasons I am unaware of, but which I understand
included being uncontactable.  He has not been contactable for well
over two months (I've been trying for about three).  I have not also
seen any signs of activity outside of Debian since at least August
(using Google and Google Groups).  I have also attempted to contact
him through people it appears he is/was associated with
(bagofholding.com) without success (no replies).

Greg is the maintainer of libpqxx (libpqxx0, libpqxx-dev), which was
sponsored by Ryan Murray.  libpqxx has been NMUed by myself twice,
once in early September, and again a few weeks ago.  These NMUs didn't
fix RC bugs, but without a contactable maintainer, there was no one to
respond to any bugs against libpqxx at all.  The only currently open
(non-fixed) bug is an FTBFS on m68k, which looks like an m68k
PostgreSQL issue (looks like it's built OK now).  I've fixed three
bugs in the NMUs.

I pinged Ryan a few weeks ago to see if he knew anything about Greg's
status, but I didn't get a reply back yet.

I would like to request that libpqxx be orphaned.  I am making a lot
of use of libpqxx at the moment (hence my interest in it), so I would
be willing to adopt the package unless there are any objections
against that.


I'm not subscribed to -qa, so I'd appreciate being CC'd on any
replies.  Thanks.

Roger Leigh

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