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A challenge


An important job of Debian Jr. is to ensure that all Debian Jr. meta
packages make it into the next release.  However, any RC bugs remaining at
release time against pacakges upon which any meta package still depends
could cause removal of the entire package.  Any such checking for bugs and 
pursuing fixes for them has thus far been a mostly manual process.  This 
makes detection and correction of problems with Debian Jr. dependencies slow 
and prone to error.  We need to improve this.

The challenge I would like to make to anyone who would like to help in this 
area is to write a web-based report showing at any given time bug summaries 
of every debian junior meta package.  There are some really nice reports at 
http://qa.debian.org/developer.php but unfortunately they only allow 
packages to be searched by developer.  I would like to have those reports, 
only for all packages that junior-* meta packages directly depend upon.  

If there is already a way of getting such a report with existing tools that 
I have overlooked, please let me know.

 ,-.  nSLUG    http://www.nslug.ns.ca   synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
 \`'  Debian   http://www.debian.org    synrg@debian.org
  `          [ gpg 395C F3A4 35D3 D247 1387 2D9E 5A94 F3CA 0B27 13C8 ]
             [ pgp 7F DA 09 4B BA 2C 0D E0 1B B1 31 ED C6 A9 39 4F ]

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