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Re: Helping busy maintainers

Thanks for those who responded.  I'm surprised (and delighted) how
many people got back to me.  I hope you will really help out.  I tried
to compile a listing of people of whom I think they are busy and need
help.  Only a small number of developers have asked me to be put on
this list; the others are there because I feel they should be there...
please read the Developer's Reference again before doing any work to
make yourself familiar with NMU rules.  In general, don't NMU
immediately, but first send in patches.  Anyone can do that, including
people who are not Debian developers.  Only if there's no reply or
action within a reasonable period you can go ahead and do an NMU.  For
this, you need to be a DD or have a sponsor.  Matthias Urlichs has
agreed to sponsor some people, and I'm sure there are others who can
do that.  So, if you need a sponsor, please just send a message to

If you decide to look into a specific bug or package, please send a
message to this list so others know that you're working on this.  (If
you're looking into a specific bug, you could additionally send a
comment to the bug.)  If you're very interested in a specific package
and want to track it's progress for a long time, please get subscribed
to its bugs through the PTS (see the Developer's Reference).

If you have any questions, just send them to the list.  Thanks for
your interest in raisin the quality of Debian.

Here are two people who have expressed that they are busy:

Torsten Landschoff <torsten@debian.org>
  fox, gimp-python, gmt, gmt-coast-low, gmt-doc, gmt-doc-pdf, gmt-doc-ps,
  gmt-examples, gmt-manpages, gmt-tutorial, gnofin, gs, gs-common, gsfonts,
  hpijs, libpcap, npadmin, swig, swig-doc, swig1.3, tcpdump, vis5d,
  gs-aladdin, gsfonts-other, mocka.
  [Not openldap2 which is co-maintained by others.]

  Torsten is studying for exams and need help with all his packages,
  especially with those which have RC bugs open and with gs (ghostscript).
  shows that gsfonts, swig, vis5d and tcpdump have RC bugs.  While
  gs/gs-common don't have any RC bugs, these packages need some good care.
  Experience with debfoma is very useful.  Send in patches and if you can
  prepare an upload, I'm sure Torsten will appreciate it and perhaps let
  you NMU.

Simon Richter <sjr@debian.org>
  amap, libsocket++, pingus, python-imaging, python-imaging-doc-handbook,
  signing-party, uptimed

  Simon asked for help because of exams.  None of his packages currently
  have RC bugs, but they could use some attention.

I haven't talked to the following people about this listing, but it's
pretty clear they're busy and need some help:

Paul Hedderly <prh@debian.org>
  atmelwlandriver, drsync, gloo, gtk-menu, matchbox, mmenu, motion, xkbd,

  atmelwlandriver has grave bug (filed today), xstroke has serious bug with
  patch filed 128 days ago.

Anthony Fok <foka@debian.org>

  Anthony is around (will respond to mail), but seems quite busy.  4 RC
  bugs: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?maint=foka@debian.org

Werner Heuser <wehe@debian.org>

  Werner mentioned to me that he is moving.  He has 2 RC bugs which have to
  be fixed.  http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?maint=wehe@debian.org

David Caldwell <david@porkrind.org>

  Dropped out of the NM queue.  203336 needs to be fixed (RC).  Maintainer:
  needs to be set to QA.

Stephen Zander <gibreel@debian.org>

  Quite a few RC bugs, obviously needs help.  I wonder if tripwire should
  just be removed.  The other should be fixed in any case.

Brian White <bcwhite@pobox.com>

  Lot's of RC bugs; according to his postings to -devel, he has updated
  packages but has issues uploading.  Someone could contact him and upload
  his updates.

Pawel Wiecek <coven@debian.org>

  Pawel is around and did an upload of vpopmail after some prodding, but
  I think he could use some help.  Don't NMU (except for #172986), but
  send in patches through the BTS.

Stijn de Bekker <stijn@debian.org>

  RC bug with patch, also new upstream available.

Brian Mays <brian@debian.org>

  Brian said he's busy, but he's around.  Perhaps don't NMU, but reproduce
  his bugs and send in patches.  Give special attention to pcmcia-cs.


Martin Michlmayr

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