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Integration with dinstall would be nice.


This sounds really cool. Is it implemented already? I.e. can
we use it now?

One other thing. Can it be automated so that all that are listed
in the Uploaders: section in the package gets subscribed
automaticly? Maybe that is done already but I could not find that
in your mail. :)


// Ola

 --------------------- Ola Lundqvist ---------------------------
/  opal@debian.org                     Björnkärrsgatan 5 A.11   \
|  opal@lysator.liu.se                 584 36 LINKÖPING         |
|  +46 (0)13-17 69 83                  +46 (0)70-332 1551       |
|  http://www.opal.dhs.org             UIN/icq: 4912500         |
\  gpg/f.p.: 7090 A92B 18FE 7994 0C36  4FE4 18A1 B1CF 0FE5 3DD9 /

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