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Re: Last minute package update request

Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> writes:

> And, just to expound upon that before we drop further into the usual
> sort of self-righteousness these threads evoke, you do _not_ know
> what you're talking about at all. Right now, eg, much of ftpmaster is
> working on fixing the security infrastructure. 

When people make requests of FTP master, the mail seems sometimes to
be ignored.  Why is this?

One guess was "there aren't enough people to answer the mail".  Maybe
there are other reasons, maybe that one isn't a reason at all.  But
you're just stamping your foot and saying "Nyaa nyaa, I won't tell
you, nyaa nyaa".

*PLEASE* cultivate an attitude of "it is worth my time to explain
things".  This is the *only* way people will learn them.  So far you
are seemingly saying that only people who already understand are worth
explaining anything to.

I know that the reason for the release delay is that work needs to
happen on the security infrastructure.  But it baffles me that this
somehow prevents saying to someone "I'm sorry, but the delay is not
the sort of delay that would permit a last minute package inclusion."
Why was that mail not sent?  

The goal here is not to establish blame, but to improve the process so
that the next time, the developer can learn the facts clearly and

> Enough with the angst-ridden whining already. Everything really is
> going _fine_.

Recently there was a serious bug in testing, on the very eve of the
expected release date (the infinite loop bug related to base-config).
To fix this bug required the incorporation of a new version of the
base-config package into the archive.

The maintainer of the relevant package made the fix, and uploaded.
Requested that it be incorporated into testing immediately, explained
the situation.  To my knowledge, ftpmasters didn't reply to the
developer, didn't say anything on the testing mailing list, didn't
make any indication that anything was happening at all, anywhere.

As far as I can tell, the relevant package has now made it into the
list for testing.  And yet, the relevant critical bug against
ftp.debian.org is *still* not closed!  How is anyone supposed to know
what the status is if nobody bothers to say anything?


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