Re: Bringing back sarg
On 25-Apr-2002 Colin Watson wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 10:26:22AM +0200, Frederic Peters wrote:
>> sarg was no longer part of Debian (see bugs #143029 and #128283) so I
>> didn't know if I had to ITA, ITP or... I know it won't go back to
>> woody but since I started using it and feel it is worth to have it in
>> Debian I fixed bugs that were reported and uploaded a new package with
>> my name as maintainer (instead of qa).
>> Did I miss anything ?
> It probably wouldn't do any harm to send a quick note to #128283
> (possibly reopening it as an ITP) so that nobody else works on it, but
> otherwise that looks good.
-mentors just had a fellow from Italy offering to do the work, he just needed a
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