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ddts: notification about de-translation of the dotfile-doc description


This is only an automated notification mail from the ddts (Debian Description
Translation Server).

A translator recently uploaded a new version of the description of this

No action is required on your part; unless you want to use your veto right
on this text (contact me personally for this), it will be added to our
database, and will be ready for use.

If you see some problems with the translation, please contact the translator
directly or its team if any.

For more information about the ddts, please visit our page:
If you have problems with this mail or the ddts mechanism, or if you think
this could be improved, please contact me directly:

Thanks for your attention.

#from: "Alexander Boehm" <alex@dilsberg-systems.de>
#packages: dotfile-doc
Description: Dotfile Generator modules programmer documentation.
 The Dotfile Generator is a configuration tool, which configures the basic
 features, and even more exotic features of your favorite programs.
 This package contains the documentation for a programmer of Dotfile
 Generator modules. You will only need this package in case you want
 to learn how to make your own Dotfile modules.
Description-de: Dokumentation zur Programmierung von Dotfile Generator Modulen
 Der Dotfile-Generator ist ein Konfigurationswerkzeug, das die grund-
 legenden und die etwas exotischeren Eigenschaften Ihrer 
 Lieblingsprogramme konfiguriert.
 Dieses Paket enthält die Dokumentation für Programmierer von Dotfile
 Generator Modulen. Sie werden dieses Paket nur brauchen falls Sie das
 Erstellen eigener Dotfile-Module erlernen möchten.

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