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Bug#60426: realplayer: PATCH add debconf option to delay install

I'm sumbitting this against #60426 #79638 #83038 #83227 because they appear to 
be the same bug, I think they should be merged. I hope that's ok.

I didn't like the fact that the realplayer installer kept looping in debconf 
until you gave it the rpm. So I added a debconf option to config to prompt if 
the user wants to continue with the install. If the user says "no" then they 
are told how they can use "dpkg-reconfigure realplayer" to complete the 
install later. I also had to add a check to postinst to prevent it from doing 
anything unless this new debconf option was set to "yes". I have tested it 
pretty well here, but since is the first time I've used debconf somebody 
should review the changes before applying the patch.

FYI- I heard a rumor that,

Nathan Dabney <smurf@sginet.com> 

was going to adopt this package. I don't see a ITA in wnpp though...

I can make changes or update the patch if it gets out of date, just send me 
email. Disclaimer: IANADD

Matt Taggart

diff -urN realplayer-8.0.old/debian/config realplayer-8.0/debian/config
--- realplayer-8.0.old/debian/config	Sun Dec 31 15:43:15 2000
+++ realplayer-8.0/debian/config	Mon Jan 29 00:53:40 2001
@@ -70,16 +70,39 @@
 if [ ! -e "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/realplayer/version" -o \
      "`cat /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/realplayer/version 2>/dev/null`" != "$version" ]
-	# Loop until a file is downloaded and can be extracted.
-	db_get realplayer/download_dir
-	if [ -e "$RET/$filename" ] && (rpm2cpio $RET/$filename | cpio --list >
+	# Check and see if we already have an answer for intro(to cover the
+	# corner case where someone has a pre-intro install and actually
+	# gets the new rpm ready ahead of time) and download_dir. If they
+	# have it set and it works then we don't care to prompt them
+	db_get realplayer/intro
+	if [ "$RET" != "true" ]
-		ok=1
-	else
-		ok=""
+		db_get realplayer/download_dir
+		if [ -e "$RET/$filename" ] && (rpm2cpio $RET/$filename | cpio --list >
+		then
+			ok=1
+		else
+			ok=""
+		fi
 	while [ -z "$ok" ]
+		# Ok, either download_dir wasn't set or it didn't work
+		# so ask the questions. Explain that this is an installer
+		# package, ask if they want to continue. Make sure they see
+		# this prompt.
+		db_fset realplayer/intro seen false
+		db_input critical realplayer/intro || abort
+		# get the answer 
+		db_go
+		db_get realplayer/intro
+		if [ "$RET" != "true" ]
+		then
+			# Tell them how to do it later, not important
+			db_input low realplayer/later || true
+			db_go
+			exit 0
+		fi
 		# Prompt them to download the file and tell us where.
 		# Make sure they see this prompt.
 		db_fset realplayer/download_dir isdefault true
diff -urN realplayer-8.0.old/debian/postinst realplayer-8.0/debian/postinst
--- realplayer-8.0.old/debian/postinst	Sun Dec 31 15:43:15 2000
+++ realplayer-8.0/debian/postinst	Mon Jan 29 00:03:02 2001
@@ -106,6 +106,13 @@
 # Check if external files are already installed.
 if [ "$1" = "configure" -a \( ! -e "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/realplayer/version" -o 
      "`cat /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/realplayer/version 2>/dev/null`" != "$version" 
\) ]; then
+	# Check and make sure that we're supposed to be doing anything
+	db_get realplayer/intro
+	if [ "$RET" != "true" ]
+	then
+		# We haven't been configured so exit
+		exit 0
+	fi
 	# The config script should have handled prompting for a file
 	# and ensuring it exists and can be extracted with cpio.
 	db_get realplayer/download_dir
diff -urN realplayer-8.0.old/debian/templates realplayer-8.0/debian/templates
--- realplayer-8.0.old/debian/templates	Sat Jun 17 00:31:17 2000
+++ realplayer-8.0/debian/templates	Mon Jan 29 00:26:54 2001
@@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
+Template: realplayer/intro
+Type: boolean
+Default: true
+Description: Would you like to run the Real Player installer now?
+ This is the Real Player installer package, it does not actually contain
+ Real Player. You will need to go download Real Player by hand. Once you have
+ downloaded it you can proceed and tell the installer which directory you put
+ it in.
 Template: realplayer/download_dir
 Type: string
 Default: /root
 Description: Real Player has been downloaded to where?
- This package is an installer package, it does not actually contain
- Real Player. You will need to go download Real Player by hand.
- .
  Please visit the web page at http://www.real.com/player/ now, find the page
  for "Real Player basic", and download the Red Hat RPM of Real Player. The
  file should be named ${filename}. Once you have downloaded it, enter the
@@ -33,8 +39,14 @@
 Template: realplayer/needfile
 Type: note
-Description: The realplayer installer cannot proceed.
- You are running in non-interactive mode, and the realplayer installer needs
+Description: The Real Player installer cannot proceed.
+ You are running in non-interactive mode, and the Real Player installer needs
  to prompt you to download a file for it to install, and cannot. The
  installation of this package has been aborted. Please re-install it in
  interactive mode.
+Template: realplayer/later
+Type: note
+Description: Real Player install delayed
+ You have opted not to run the Real Player installer at this time. If you
+ decide to run it later you can do so by running, "dpkg-reconfigure 

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