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pending normal debian bugs for Debian Quality Assurance <debian-qa@lists.debian.org>

Maintainer: Debian Quality Assurance <debian-qa@lists.debian.org>
Severity:   normal
Status:     pending

This mail is being sent to you because the indicated bug reports have been
marked as overdue (i.e. has been open longer than 9 months).  Overdue
reminders are repeated monthly.

#21955  sniffit           sniffit leaves eth0 in broadcast mode                    http://www.debian.org/Bugs/db/21/21955.html
#24689  ntfs2.0.33        ntfs is i386-specific                                    http://www.debian.org/Bugs/db/24/24689.html
#25930  ntfs2.0.33        wrong permissions                                        http://www.debian.org/Bugs/db/25/25930.html

For more information on the bug reporting system, visit:


If you feel the bug should not be marked with a severity of "normal" or a
state of "pending", instructions on changing this can be found on the
above web site.

If you no longer maintain a package, mailto:override-change@debian.org
and ask to have the "overrides" file updated to point to the new maintainer.
Please provide the name and address of the new maintainer if you know who
it is.

Please do not reply to the "nag" address unless there is a problem with the
actual messages being generated.  There is no need to copy "nag" when
altering or closing bugs since the web pages are checked each time for
the current list of outstanding bugs.

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