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Re: is the cfs package orphaned?

"Hamish" == Hamish Moffatt <hamish@debian.org> writes:

Hamish> Can anyone tell me if the package cfs is officially orphaned?
Hamish> One of the bug reports that has been filed automatically says
Hamish> it is orphaned, but there is no evidence of that in the
Hamish> package or the WNPP.

Yup it's really orphaned -- Patrick J. Edwards <pje120@mail.usask.ca>
is no longer with the Project.

Hamish> There are some bugs that are over 500 days old and the most
Hamish> recent upload of this package was in 1996. Also, it does not
Hamish> build out of the box on my slink system.

Also, it installs the wrong binary as "cmkdir".  Apparently no one
has used this package in 3 years besides me, and I'm powerless to fix
it.  :-(

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