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List of bugs that *must* be fixed before freezing Hamm

The following bug reports *must* be fixed before the current unstable Debian
distribution can progress further in its development cycle.  Reminders have
been sent to the maintainers of these packages yet nothing has been done to
remedy these bugs.

Bug #  Package Name       Bug Description [days old]
~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 1797: dpkg             - upgrade/downgrade dependency calculation problem [810]
11559: ircii            - ircII has rc files, but they are not known as conffiles [178]
11763: groupkit         - groupkit: installation script security hole [174]
11771: lynx             - installation script security hole [174]
11774: xbase            - installation script security hole [174]
11780: majordomo        - installation script security hole [174]
11788: modutils         - installation script security hole [174]
11792: php              - installation script security hole [174]
11810: freefont         - installation script security hole [174]
11812: sharefont        - installation script security hole [174]
11857: hwtools          - hwtools: scsi-config temp file security hole [170]
12430: gzilla           - gzilla: sigsegv caught [143]
12832: autolog          - installation script security hole [133]
12843: omirr            - installation script security hole [133]
12847: amanda-client    - installation script security hole [133]
13216: libc6            - fseek does not work properly in libc6 [124]
13683: libgdbm1         - libgdbm1: depends on too old a version of libc5 [107]
13762: bash             - bash: New version 2.01.1 is out [104]
13849: dpkg             - netstd should predepend on libreadlineg2 (?) [101]
13896: libc6            - emacs 19.34-11 core dumps on a libc6 system. [99]
15094: xserver-s3       - xserver-*: remove this line "/dev/MAKEDEV tty0 console" and depend on makedev. [62]
15112: pine             - pine: zombie external editor [62]
15163: grub             - grub: if /boot is on a umsdos filsystem, grub messes up [60]
15188: pine             - pine: not multiuser safe [0]
15484: cvs              - cvs in bo is still vulnerable [53]
15736: kernel           - Pentium (tm) f00f bug^H^H^Herratum [45]
15859: libc5            - libc6 in stable is horribly broken [41]
15875: kbd              - /etc/init.d and /etc/rcS.d do not use the same name [41]
15985: cron             - crontab -e doesn't think the file has been changed [37]
16004: pgp-i            - pgp-i: coredumps when adding debian keyring [37]
16038: libdb2           - What the hell... [36]
16178: xserver-svga     - xserver-svga: xserver thinks my monitor is 390mm x 305mm [32]
16222: mime-support     - install-mime does not work properly (?). [31]
16287: aout-xpm         - aout-xpm has no source package [27]
16290: aout-gcc         - aout-gcc has no source package [26]
16291: aout-binutils    - aout-binutils has no source package [26]
16635: qps              - qps: qps seems to be statically linked with QT and is in the wrong section [16]
16883: sendmail         - offline systems [13]
16908: smail            - error in smail config file (with solution) [12]
17286: xmcd             - xmcd consumes ALL MEMORY if title has a "," [0]
17333: ssh              - ssh: ssh-agent security vulnerability (fixed in 1.2.22 or later) [0]
17378: pine             - pine: SECURITY! user can do everything with all mailboxes! [0]
17389: dosfstools       - dosfsck: reports/corrects no-problems ! [0]

These bugs are all the "critical", "grave", and "important" bug reports,
both "pending" and "forwarded".

If you would like to help speed the release of the next Debian distribution,
you are encourage to take part in fixing these bugs.  More information about
them can be found on Debian's web page:  http://www.debian.org/Bugs/

These bugs can either be degraded below critical, grave, and important, or
they can be fixed in non-maintainer releases.

Alternatively, the package can be reverted to the version in Bo.  If this is
done, _don't_ close the bug but rather downgrade the severity of the bug
to "normal".

                                 ( bcwhite@verisim.com )

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