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Bug#16050: Problems compiling mc without gpm

Package: mc
Version: 4.1.9-1

After changing debian/rules so configure is called with
--without-gpm-mouse it seems that HAVE_LIBGPM is still defined but
shouldn't.  mouse.h will fail if there is no gpm.h.

Make.common still contains this line.

	XLIBS = -lintl  -Lno/lib -lgpm -lgpm

Apart from the fact that one libgpm should be enough the library is also
included if there is no gpm - which lets ld fail.

Btw. Could the rules file be extended so that configure isn't called
everytime a build is run?



  / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
 /                                     http://home.pages.de/~joey/
/  VFS: no free i-nodes, contact Linus  -- finlandia, Feb '94   /

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