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Re: how does this work?

Hamish Moffatt <hamish@debian.org> writes:

> How does this list/project work? Joey Hess encouraged me
> to join on debian-mentors. I see there are a few bugs assigned
> to this list on the bug system; is the idea that somebody on this
> list will work on the bugs when time permits? They are pretty old!

Debian-qa is ultimately trying to keep the quality of Debian high.
That means that we're:

+ Keeping tabs on which maintainers have gone awol.
+ Sending those packages to project/orphaned or temporarily taking over them
  ourselves, depending on the package's importance.
+ Occasionally doing non-maintainer releases in some outstanding situation.

The idea is rather than taking over new packages, just try to work on
whatever issue is most important at the time.


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Trouble?  e-mail to templin@bucknell.edu .

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