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Bug#1015266: talkd: Issues in man pages

Hello Petter,
Am Fri, Nov 29, 2024 at 04:47:17PM +0100 schrieb Petter Reinholdtsen:
> Control: tags -1 -patch +moreinfo
> I fail to see the patch, and do not understand from your description
> how to change talkd/talkd.8.  Can you provide the patch in diff
> format?
Sorry for using "patch" it is a description of a patch, not a true

The change is replace "E<.Nm Talkd>" by "E<.Nm>", as this is a single
line, I can look it up in the sources:

-.Nm Talkd
 is the server that notifies a user that someone else wants to

I hope this explains it.



      Dr. Helge Kreutzmann                     debian@helgefjell.de
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