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Bug#1051010: Investigating

So far in order to investigate I have:

1. installed discord on a lwm desktop via flatpak. This works but is pretty ugly and the whole filesystem is exposed.

2. Looking into ways to get the XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP into the systemd user environment.

Putting a script into the 55 priority in /etc/X11/Xsession.d. This works (and does not pollute other desktop environments since we can check at that point). However it depends on the the package dbus-x11 and I have concerns about the long term support for this package.

Looking at bug #943917, I see these concerns over the dbus-x11 package and  a suggestion that environment.d be used. However this is unacceptable because that will load the environment variables irrespective of what desktop environment is chosen. Specifically I have tested it shows up in "systemctl --user show-environment" but does not show up in "env" when you login to an openbox desktop.

So the Xsession.d approach seems to be the way to go, but I also have concerns about how many dependencies (even at the suggests level) should be added to a package intended to be lightweight. Obviously this could all be documented.

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