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Bug#912799: doxygen switch to llvm-toolchain-7

Hello Paolo,

On 16. 01. 19 13:03, Paolo Greppi wrote:
Hi Jiri,

Il 16/01/19 03:05, Jiri Palecek ha scritto:

On Mon, 3 Dec 2018 12:54:45 +0100 Paolo Greppi wrote:

Hi, in preparation for this switch I am building doxygen from source with:
I have been able to build the package successfully without this problem by patching the source with the attached llvm-7 patch. That was with release version 1.8.15.
Thanks ! in the meantime I had created a similar one, inspired by an upstream issue:

The patch I picked is smaller than the other two, and seems to work so I'm inclined to keep it.

But I am no cmake expert, so I am open to suggestions if there is a cmake/llvm specific reason to pick one or the other.

I picked the gist of my patch from this email thread (about linking to
llvm, read its other messages if you're interested):

It says "the guidance should be to use the `llvm_config` CMake function
instead. The proper usage of that in the example there would be to
replace the call to `llvm_map_components_to_libnames` with
`llvm_config(simple-tool support core irreader)`" and says you need the
USE_SHARED parameter if you're linking dynamically. The macro then
automatically computes which of the components are in the dynamic
library and removes the static libraries from link.

However if you just want to remove the components from the list and it
works, I'm cool with that.

I also needed an updated watch file and an updated no-rpath patch.
watch file: check

re. rpath, while refreshing patches I removed a previous rpath patch:
can you explain the need to have this ?
Simply, we don't want rpath binaries in Debian. See
https://wiki.debian.org/RpathIssue. Solution taken directly from there.
The doxygen library is linked with rpath set (and a mistaken one at
that) therefore the need.

But here we're talking about doxygen, which I ITA, that's why I have RFS an upload to experimental:
BTW before we push to unstable, it would be great to building all (~700) reverse dependencies of doxygen against doxygen 1.8.15-1 .
If you have comments/can help with that, you're welcome.

Whoa, 700 packages! Are these reverse-BDs? what are you planning to
check, just that it builds?


    Jiri Palecek

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