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Bug#916750: lighttpd: reorganize lighttpd binary packages to reduce dependencies (ldap/mysql) and package count

Happy new year!

In the mean time, Glenn Strauss and nobody else replied. I intend to
proceed with the drafted plan:

On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 09:55:34AM +0100, Helmut Grohne wrote:
>  * lighttpd-modules-mysql: mod_authn_mysql, mod_mysql_vhost,
>    mod_vhostdb_mysql

Glenn Strauss proposed calling the module lighttpd-modules-mariadb.
Stefan Bühler said that the functions still call mysql_ and #include
<mysql.h>. Therefore the package shall be called lighttpd-modules-mysql.

>  * lighttpd-modules-ldap: mod_authn_ldap, mod_vhostdb_ldap


>  * lighttpd (base package): mod_access, mod_accesslog, mod_alias,
>    mod_auth, mod_authn_file, mod_cgi, mod_dirlisting, mod_evasive,
>    mod_evhost, mod_expire, mod_extforward, mod_fastcgi,
>    mod_flv_streaming, mod_indexfile, mod_proxy, mod_redirect,
>    mod_rewrite, mod_rrdtool, mod_scgi, mod_secdownload, mod_setenv,
>    mod_simple_vhost, mod_sockproxy, mod_ssi, mod_staticfile, mod_status,
>    mod_uploadprogress, mod_userdir, mod_usertrack, mod_vhostdb,
>    mod_wstunnel


>  * The modules mod_authn_gssapi, mod_cml, mod_geoip, mod_magnet,
>    mod_trigger_b4_dl and mod_webdav presently have their own binary
>    packages and they each have significant library piles. Maybe it is
>    best to leave these as is.


>  * The remaining modules are mod_compress, mod_deflate and mod_openssl.
>    These pull zlib1g, libbz2-1.0 and libssl1.1. At least the first two
>    are transitively essential already and mod_openssl seems to be very
>    popular, so it likely is best to leave them with the main binary
>    package.

Keep these with the main lighttpd base package. Rationale:

While splitting out mod_openssl is an interesting idea in future, doing
so will become easier once lighttpd gains Provides. Presently splitting
does not bear a benefit as lighttpd itself calls RAND_poll from openssl,
so the dependency will be kept anyway. This is not a final "no". We'll
create lighttpd-mod-openssl now as a virtual package. People can start
depending on it.

> Then Stefan and Glenn proposed adding new modules:
>  * mod_vhostdb_dbi
>  * mod_vhostdb_pgsql
>  * mod_authn_pam
>  * mod_authn_sasl

Given Stefans and Glenns input, I think adding four binary packages is a
reasonable tradeoff. I'll look into adding them.

Therefore my plan is:

 * Add lighttpd-mod-* Provides.
 * Add lighttpd-modules-mysql.
 * Add transitional dummy packages lighttpd-mod-authn-mysql
 * Add lighttpd-modules-ldap.
 * Add transitional dummy package lighttpd-mod-autn-ldap.
 * Add real packages lighttpd-mod-vhostdb-dbi,
   lighttpd-mod-vhostdb-pgsql, lighttpd-mod-authn-pam,
 * lighttpd Recommends all modules that it formerly included and puts up
   a NEWS.Debian explaining the split.

I intend to perform these (and only these) changes in experimental, give
it a brief testing period and then push them to unstable.

After buster:
 * Drop transitional dummy packages.
 * Demote Recommends to Suggests.

For buster, we'll gain 6 binary packages. After buster, we drop 2.

Other changes (that do not add binary packages) can be performed on
unstable in parallel.

Please raise objections quickly.


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