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Bug#884923: abiword: CVE-2017-17529


Are you sure this is vulnerable ? I did not manage to trigger anything

The code referenced is (in fallback_open_uri):

gint    argc;
gchar **argv = NULL;
char   *cmd_line = g_strconcat (browser, " %1", NULL);

if (g_shell_parse_argv (cmd_line, &argc, &argv, err)) {
  /* check for '%1' in an argument and substitute the url
   * otherwise append it */
  gint i;
  char *tmp;

  for (i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++)
    if (NULL != (tmp = strstr (argv[i], "%1"))) {
      *tmp = '\0';
      tmp = g_strconcat (argv[i],
        (clean_url != NULL) ? (char const *)clean_url : url,
        tmp+2, NULL);
      g_free (argv[i]);
      argv[i] = tmp;

  /* there was actually a %1, drop the one we added */
  if (i != argc-1) {
    g_free (argv[argc-1]);
    argv[argc-1] = NULL;
  g_spawn_async (NULL, argv, NULL, G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH,
    NULL, NULL, NULL, err);
  g_strfreev (argv);
g_free (cmd_line);

This seems correct with respect to injection through the URI:
the URI string cannot be expanded into multiple arguments
and is not passed to `system()`.


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