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Bug#834577: needs more work

lamby wrote:
> I believe there is a typo in debian/rules:
>  override_dh_autoconfigure -> override_dh_auto_configure
> Patch attached.

I'm afraid your patch is 0 bytes long.

If what you intended is the obvious one character change, then plugwash tried
it in #897114:

} The only tricky bit was that there seems to have been a typo in
} debian/rules, there was a target called override_dh_autoconfigure which I
} presume was a typo for override_dh_autoconfigure , I tried fixing said
} typo but that seemed to cause more problems than it solved, so I left it
} alone and added my own override target.  You might want to consider either
} fixing or removing the dead code.

Thus, it would need more attention at than my drive-by QA upload to fix the
FTBFS has tuits allotted for.

⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ Certified airhead; got the CT scan to prove that!

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