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Re: URGENT PLEASE packages@qa.debian.org

Good day 
I got your contact in the cause of my serious search for a 
reliable foreign partner through a profile in which convinced me 
of your honesty. . I have a deal for you. This deal will benefit 
us greatly. My name is John Limak, I am into construction of 
airport and we are the Limak Brothers. We just completed a 
project at Kuwait which you can see on the news below. We made so 
much money from the deal which i got a deal with the Kuwait 
government officer in position of contract payment to over 
inflated the contract funds and i made benefit of $50,000,000.00 
Million.I want to use my share of the money to invest into any 
profitable investment.Can you work with me. This deal most be 
kept secret please because I will not like my company to know i 
made money from the deal which the Kuwait officer told me to keep 
secret also so that he will not lose his job.I have submitted 
resignation letter to my company that i don't want to work any 
more. Please reply me and inform me if you are interested.
God bless you.
John Limak
Tel: +1 404596652

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