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Bug#639770: apt-move: fails to open fifo-file and hangs

	I have had this bug on and off since it started in 2011. Crash on line 1232.

It is worse on faster machines with local fast disks. Slower cpus, single cpus 
and remote (nfs) disks help.
I recently 'upgraded' the home server to a Core 2 Duo 3GHz with a 4 disk RAID5 
and it hangs every time. This is not good since I have 'apt-move update' as 
part of my daily cron jobs and hanging kills the execution of the other 

I can reduce the severity of the bug by restricting the process to one cpu 
using taskset. The process fails but completes.

Apt-move is actually a complex (for me) bash script using GNU sed (documented 
as a requirement) and awk... There are two commonly used awks: mawk and gawk.

Using gawk:
root@nede1:/usr/bin# taskset -c 0 apt-move packages

Creating Packages files...
Building: lenny dists/lenny/main/binary-i386 Packages
awk: /usr/share/apt-move/get2:5: (FILENAME=- FNR=207) fatal: print 
to "standard output" failed (Broken pipe)
sort: write failed: standard output: Broken pipe
sort: write error
Unknown error: dopackages: 2.

Using mawk:
root@nede1:/usr/bin# taskset -c 0 apt-move packages

Creating Packages files...
Building: lenny dists/lenny/main/binary-i386 Packages
awk: write failure (Broken pipe)
awk: close failed on file /dev/stdout (Broken pipe)
sort: write failed: standard output: Broken pipe
sort: write error
Unknown error: dopackages: 2.

apt-move,v 1.115 2006/01/14 04:05:23 herbert Exp $
uname -a
Linux nede1 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.60-1+deb7u3 x86_64 GNU/Linux
achitecture i386
Debian release wheezy.


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