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Bug#554557: [PATCH] fix FTBFS with binutils-gold


Admittedly, there is already a known fix, but I'm proposing to use a
slightly different change.

Wouldn't it be slightly better to correct the full build process to
build/link against zlib? I may well be wrong in assuming this, so I'll
be happy to be told it's not a good idea ;)

The attached patch applies this change to the PKG_CONFIG line in
configure.in (adding a check for zlib). Because of this, it also
requires running autoreconf in the debian/rules build target.


Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <mathieu.tl@gmail.com>
Freenode: cyphermox, Jabber: mathieu.tl@gmail.com
4096R/EE018C93 1967 8F7D 03A1 8F38 732E  FF82 C126 33E1 EE01 8C93

Attachment: 99_build_with_gcc_4_5.dpatch
Description: Binary data

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