Bug#579950: Localization support for iceowl-extension request
Guido Günther schreef:
> reassign 579950 iceowl-l10n
> Hi Paul,
Hi Guido,
> On Sun, May 02, 2010 at 04:16:25PM +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
>> Please add localization support for iceowl-extension. iceowl-l10n is only for
>> iceowl and not for iceowl-extention. Please see this bug too:
>> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=436297 It would be nice if it
>> would be clear what's the better way: 1. Change iceowl-l10n so that it can
>> also support iceowl-extention (I think this is not possible) 2. Add
>> localization to iceowl-extension directly (maybe the most easy solution). 3.
>> Make seperate localization packages for iceowl-extension. I would like to help
>> with it.
> It worked for enigmail - why shouldn't it work for iceowl-extension?
Because iceowl-l10n is in the first place for iceowl, what needs the
localisation-files on another location then iceowl-extension.
But you are right, it could be done in a new (big) set of binaries from
the iceowl-l10n source package.
> u
> See the install.rdf in that package on how the locale gets registered.
OK, thanks for the info.
> The first step would be to update the iceowl-l10n package which is
> currently unmaintained so help on this would certainly be appreciated.
I will give it a try.
With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.
BTW: Enigmail is broken in unstable and the locales where removed from
unstable in 2007.
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