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Bug#517866: closed by Marco Rodrigues <gothicx@sapo.pt> (mped has been removed from Debian, closing #517866)

On Fri, May 01, 2009 at 07:39:59PM +0100, E Taylor wrote:

>  I'm not sure to understand you fully here. The config.sh script just
>  searches for ncursesw and uses ncursesw (no mention about plain ncurses,
>  other than including curses.h), the problem was on Debian dependencies.
>  Remember I have no control on that.
>    When I was talking with Barry deFreese about it, he said that isn't wasn't
>    enough to have ncursesw in the build dependencies, he also had to add
>    ncurses for it to work.  He thought that the build was checking for the
>    existence of the curses.h from the ncurses package, and then, if it found
>    it, using the curses.h from the ncursesw package.  Someone else in IRC
>    commented "hmm ideally you should use the curses.h header from the
>    ncursesw dir to match the library used" and Barry replied "Aye, that's an
>    upstream bug".  I hope that makes sense.

Well, certainly this can be considered a bug; I've already fixed it for
the 5.1.2 release.

>    As I'm writing this email, I would like to take this opportunity to ask
>    whether MP supports highlighting multiple language syntaxes in one file. 
>    For example, could it highlight JavaScript syntax inside an HTML document
>    where the tags were also correctly highlighted?  There could also be CSS
>    and PHP in the same file.

It sounds like a non-trivial change, but I'll think about it.

>  As a work around, or as an extra feature, you
>    could have an option in the menus for selecting which highlighting to use
>    on the current file.

As an even dirtier workaround :-D, you can force the syntax highlighting to
the active document (to PHP, say) by executing the following MPSL snippet:

	local l = mp.active(); l.syntax = mp.syntax.php;

You can execute MPSL code by hitting Escape (escape+escape, if under
curses), or from the Edit menu.

By the way, there are currently no JavaScript nor CSS syntax definitions.

>    Thanks again for your help getting this package to as high a standard as
>    possible.

You're welcome.

Angel Ortega

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