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Bug#383700: Bug #384047: mysql-server-5.0: "Transactions not supported by database" error when used with perl DBI/DBD

On Thu, Aug 24, 2006 at 02:02:43AM +0200, Christian Hammers wrote:
> Some users of the Debian packages I create recently reported that after the
> upgrade from MySQL 5.0.22 to 5.0.24 Perl scripts that try to explicitly set
>   $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
> die with the error message:
>   "Transactions not supported by database"


this bug (#384047) is also at least #384221 (libdbd-mysql-perl) and
#383700 (request-tracker3.4).

I believe the problem is an incompatible ABI change in
libmysqlclient.15.so with version 5.0.24. 

This addition in struct st_mysql_options:

--- mysql-dfsg-5.0-5.0.22/include/mysql.h	2006-05-25 11:56:42.000000000 +0300
+++ mysql-dfsg-5.0-5.0.24/include/mysql.h	2006-07-27 21:52:03.000000000 +0300
@@ -164,6 +164,7 @@
   char *ssl_ca;					/* PEM CA file */
   char *ssl_capath;				/* PEM directory of CA-s? */
   char *ssl_cipher;				/* cipher to use */
+  my_bool ssl_verify_server_cert;		/* if to verify server cert */
   char *shared_memory_base_name;
   unsigned long max_allowed_packet;
   my_bool use_ssl;				/* if to use SSL or not */

causes the size of st_mysql_options to grow. This also affects the MYSQL
struct, since it contains st_mysql_options.

Now, libdbd-mysql-perl has this in dbdimp.h:

struct imp_dbh_st {
    dbih_dbc_t com;         /*  MUST be first element in structure   */

    MYSQL mysql;
    int has_transactions;   /*  boolean indicating support for
                             *  transactions, currently always
                             *  TRUE for MySQL and always FALSE
                             *  for mSQL.

so the grown MYSQL struct overlaps with has_transactions.

This hits libdbd-mysql-perl 3.006-1, which is currently compiled
against libmysqlclient15off-dev 5.0.22-x (with x depending on
the architecture). When run with libmysqlclient15off 5.0.24-1,
has_transactions gets reset to 0 and the result is 'Transactions not
supported by database'. Recompiling libdbd-mysql-perl helps, as the API
has not changed in an incompatible way.

In my understanding, the right fix is to bump the soname or to revert
the struct st_mysql_options change.

Niko Tyni	ntyni@iki.fi

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