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Bug#307561: dmachinemon: Build-Depends on obsolete doc++

Stephen Quinney <sjq@debian.org> writes:

> There are currently no outstanding RC bugs for doc++ and the version
> of dmachinemon in unstable/sid builds fine for me on i386 without
> any modifications. Are you happy for me to close this bug report?

I would prefer it be left open until it's fixed.  doc++ is

* obsolete
* abandoned upstream
* unmaintained
* buggy
* and superseded by doxygen

It is /currently/ not RC buggy, but given its history it is likely to
cause future problems.  See #292337, for example.

I would like it removed from the archive at the earliest opportunity,
preferably before etch is released.  dmachinemon and libupnp are the
only packages build-depending on it. libupnp upstream are taking care
of it, but dmachinemon doesn't look like it has an upstream.

I would prefer the bug be fixed (by using doxygen) rather than simply
closed.  It's not a great deal of work--I already provided patches for
other packages as examples.  Alternatively, given that the upstream
maintainer has abandoned it, it might be better to remove it from the
archive altogether.


Roger Leigh
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