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Bug#189282: mtop: Typos in english debconf templates

Quoting Luis Bustamante (luferbu@fluidsignal.com):
> I'm the new mtop maintainer. I've just uploaded a new release fixing a
> couple of typos and the spaces in English debconf templates. If you
> find more errors (I'm not an English native speaker) feel free to send
> me a patch. Thank you.

Sigh. I missed the adoption.

Thus I just uploaded ( a few minutes ago) a NMU which fixes typos but
also tries to have better english templates....as well as a french
translation of these.

My upload is in delayed/7-days. Thus you may reject it easily....

Can you send me the mtop.templates file so that I may :

-proofread it (I'm not a native english speaker too....but former
templates had really bad english...:-)). If needed, I would advise you
to ask in debian-l10n-english mailing list. People there are very
opened and helpful for maintainers who want to improve their packages

-adapt the fr.po translation

Christian Perrier
Debian geneweb and lifelines packages maintainer

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