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Bug#191224: More info

I ran across this bug also, here is the output where it occurs:

School/school_schedule.htm(9): metacharacter ">" should be represented as ">"
School/school_schedule.htm(14): unknown attribute "TOPMARGIN" for element <BODY>.
School/school_schedule.htm(14): should set all or none of BGCOLOR, TEXT, LINK, ALINK, VLINK attributes on BODY element
School/school_schedule.htm(19): unknown element <!--WEBBOT>.
School/school_schedule.htm(22): the ALT attribute is required for the <AREA> element.
School/school_schedule.htm(23): the ALT attribute is required for the <AREA> element.
School/school_schedule.htm(24): the ALT attribute is required for the <AREA> element.
School/school_schedule.htm(25): the ALT attribute is required for the <AREA> element.
School/school_schedule.htm(26): the ALT attribute is required for the <AREA> element.
School/school_schedule.htm(27): the ALT attribute is required for the <AREA> element.
School/school_schedule.htm(28): the ALT attribute is required for the <AREA> element.
School/school_schedule.htm(30): unknown element <!--WEBBOT>.
School/school_schedule.htm(37): unknown element <!--WEBBOT>.
School/school_schedule.htm(40): the ALT attribute is required for the <AREA> element.
School/school_schedule.htm(41): the ALT attribute is required for the <AREA> element.
School/school_schedule.htm(42): the ALT attribute is required for the <AREA> element.
School/school_schedule.htm(43): the ALT attribute is required for the <AREA> element.
School/school_schedule.htm(44): the ALT attribute is required for the <AREA> element.
School/school_schedule.htm(45): the ALT attribute is required for the <AREA> element.
School/school_schedule.htm(46): the ALT attribute is required for the <AREA> element.
School/school_schedule.htm(47): the ALT attribute is required for the <AREA> element.
School/school_schedule.htm(48): the ALT attribute is required for the <AREA> element.
School/school_schedule.htm(49): the ALT attribute is required for the <AREA> element.
School/school_schedule.htm(51): unknown element <!--WEBBOT>.
School/school_schedule.htm(137): unknown element <!--WEBBOT>.
School/school_schedule.htm(139): unknown attribute "COLOR" for element <HR>.
School/school_schedule.htm(156): </P> on line 153 seems to overlap <A>, opened on line 156.
School/school_schedule.htm(161): unknown element <!--WEBBOT>.
School/school_schedule.htm(163): </TR> on line 131 seems to overlap <TD>, opened on line 135.
School/school_schedule.htm(168): no closing </CENTER> seen for <CENTER> on line 132.
School/school_schedule.htm(168): no closing </CENTER> seen for <CENTER> on line 75.
School/school_schedule.htm(168): no closing </DIV> seen for <DIV> on line 74.

--> occurs twice here

School/school_schedule.htm(173): unmatched </BODY> (no matching <BODY> seen).

--> occurs twice here

School/school_schedule.htm(174): unmatched </HTML> (no matching <HTML> seen).

Here is the subject file:



<title>Unity School of Creative Learning</title>
P {font-family: Times, Garamond, serif; font-size: 12pt;}
H1, H2, H3 {color: #333366;}


<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" topmargin="0">

  <table border="0" width="590" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
      <td colspan="2">
        <!--webbot bot="Include" U-Include="MH_School.htm" TAG="BODY" startspan -->

<p><map name="MH_SchoolMap">
<area href="../index.html" shape="rect" coords="9, 5, 122, 116">
<area href="../index.html" shape="rect" coords="124, 100, 172, 117">
<area href="../ContactUs.htm" shape="rect" coords="174, 100, 251, 117">
<area href="../SiteMap.htm" shape="rect" coords="253, 100, 321, 117">
<area href="../UnityFamily/UnityFamily.htm" shape="rect" coords="129, 67, 265, 92">
<area href="../Community/Community.htm" shape="rect" coords="270, 67, 446, 92">
<area href="../VisitUs/VisitUs.htm" shape="rect" coords="448, 67, 518, 92"></map><img border="0" src="images/MH_School.gif" usemap="#MH_SchoolMap" width="575" height="125" alt="Unity School of Creative Learning"></p>

<!--webbot bot="Include" endspan i-checksum="5076" -->

      <td width="135" valign="top">

      <!--webbot bot="Include" U-Include="../NavMain_L.htm" TAG="BODY" startspan -->

<p><map name="NavMainMap">
<area href="../About/AboutUnity.htm" shape="rect" coords="15, 7, 120, 21">
<area href="../Bookstore/Bookstore.htm" shape="rect" coords="15, 22, 120, 38">
<area href="../Calendar/CalendarHome.htm" shape="rect" coords="15, 39, 120, 54">
<area href="../Church/Church.htm" shape="rect" coords="15, 55, 120, 69">
<area href="../Health/HealthMinistry.htm" shape="rect" coords="15, 70, 120, 87">
<area href="../EH/EH_Home.htm" shape="rect" coords="15, 88, 120, 103">
<area href="../Prayer/PrayerMinistry.htm" shape="rect" coords="15, 104, 120, 118">
<area href="School.htm" shape="rect" coords="15, 119, 120, 133">
<area href="../Wedding/Weddings.htm" shape="rect" coords="15, 134, 120, 151">
<area href="../ContactUs.htm" shape="rect" coords="9, 171, 64, 290"></map><img border="0" src="../images/NavMain_L.gif" usemap="#NavMainMap" alt="Navigation to main site sections.  Text navigation at bottom of page." width="130" height="350"></p>

<!--webbot bot="Include" endspan i-checksum="6568" -->

      <td width="455" valign="top">

      <h1 align="center"><br>
      2001 - 2002<br>
      School Schedule</h1>

      <p align="center"><b>Kindergarten -- 2nd Grade<br>
      First Day for Students...August 20th</b></p>

      <p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman">Summer Program Begins May
      29, 2002</font></p>

      <p align="center"><b><br>
      K - 2nd Grade closed on the following holidays</b></p>

      <div align="center">
        <table border="0" width="90%">
            <td width="50%" valign="top" align="left">
              <p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman">Labor Day
              ...................................... September 3<br>
              Grading Day .....................................
              October 19<br>
              Thanksgiving Vacation ............. November 22, 23<br>
              Christmas Vacation ................. December 24 - 28<br>
              New Year's Day ........................ January 1,
              Grading Day ....................................
              February 22<br>
              Easter Vacation .................... March 29 &amp;
              April 1<br>
              Last Day for Students ..............................
              May 23</font></p>
            <p align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman"><br>
            Preschool closed the following holidays<br>
            <font face="Times New Roman">Labor Day
            ...................................... September 3<br>
            Thanksgiving Vacation ............. November 22, 23<br>
            Christmas Vacation ................. December 24 - 28<br>
            New Year's Day ........................ January 1, 2002<br>
            Easter Vacation .................... March 29 &amp;
            April 1<br>
            Teacher Preparation Day ........................ May 24<br>
            Memorial Day ........................................
            May 27<br>
            Independence Day ....................................
            July 4</font></p>
            <p align="left"><b><font face="Times New Roman">Our goals are to
            provide a caring environment that allows children to experience
            success and build self-esteem, as well as support each child
            emotionally and developmentally.</font></b></p>
            <p align="center"><i><font face="Times New Roman">Small classes are
            provided for children 2 years through<br>
            2nd Grade with a caring,
            trained and educated staff.</font></i></p>
            <p align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman"><i>Please call
            Marilyn at 577-3300<br>
            Hours: </i>Preschool begins at 9 a.m. and<br>
            ends at 12:30 p.m.<br>
            Elementary begins at 8:45 a.m. and<br>
            ends at 2:45 p.m.<br>
            Extended care is available from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.</font></b></td>


      <td colspan="2">

        <!--webbot bot="Include" U-Include="../Nav_B.htm" TAG="BODY" startspan -->

<hr color="#333366">

<p align="center"><font face="Arial">| <a href="../index.html"> Home</a> | <a href="../SiteMap.htm"> Site Map</a> |
<a href="../ContactUs.htm"> Contact Us</a> |<br>
| <a href="../About/AboutUnity.htm"> About Unity</a>
|&nbsp;<a href="../Bookstore/Bookstore.htm">Bookstore</a> | <a href="../Calendar/CalendarHome.htm">Calendar</a>
| <a href="../Church/Church.htm">Church</a> | <a href="../Health/HealthMinistry.htm">Health Ministry</a>
| <a href="../EH/EH_Home.htm">Newsletter - Expanding Horizons</a> | <a href="../Prayer/PrayerMinistry.htm">Prayer
Ministry</a> | <a href="School.htm">School</a> | <a href="../Wedding/Weddings.htm">Weddings</a>

<p align="center"><font face="Arial">| <a href="../UnityFamily/UnityFamily.htm">Your
Unity Family</a> | <a href="../Community/Community.htm">Serving Our Community</a> |
<a href="../VisitUs/VisitUs.htm">Visit Us</a> |</p>

<p align="center">
      <a href="mailto:unitytus@qwest.net";>E-mail: unitytus@qwest.net</a></font>


<p align="center"><img src="../images/wings.gif" alt="UNITY" width="168" height="40"></p>
<!--webbot bot="Include" endspan i-checksum="7747" -->




Obviously, this is incorrect html, but hopefully it leads you to the bug source.

Debian GNU/Linux Operating System
  By the People, For the People
Chris Tillman (a people instance)
   toff one at cox dot net

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