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Bug#167807: All KDE icons, MIME types & help is broken after upgrade from KDE 2.2 to 3.0.4-1! [kioslave bug?]

Package: kde
Version: 3.0.4-1

All KDE icons, MIME types & help is broken after upgrade from KDE 2.2 to 3.0.4-1! [kioslave bug?]

I use a stable Debian 3.0 Linux installation with KDE 2.2 installed from CD. (My Linux kernel is 2.4.18?) After I upgraded KDE to 3.0.4 (by downloading single .deb files from here and debian.org), I got some installation trouble because Dselect refused to accept my installation (because the Debian registry entries of the partly "unstable" files I was urged to download seem to be partly wrong/requested .deb files do not exist yet).Thus I installed the stuff by hand using dpkg (which partly complained that the same file was part of multiple .deb packages, thus I 'forced' installation to make it accept).

The result is that KDE 3.0.4 does not display any icons (beside the Klipper one in the Kicker bar) anymore and the online help shows instead of help texts an error that it would not find the file type of the help files or the like. At the beginning also lots of popup requesters alerted that many MIME-types were not found, but after renaming my old .kde directory this complaint is gone now. During startup there is still an error popup requester complaining that KDE's internal input-output system (or the like) would not work. When I click on the icon settings menu("Symbole" in German) in the "Kcontrol"(?) panel, the panel immediately crashes. Also the button icons in Konqueror are gone (and changing its settings makes it crash also?).

I guess that with kded, dcop and/or kioslave something is going terribly wrong, because the not found icon sets are definitely there, and also a config file in /etc/kde3 is pointing at their directory ("/var/share/icons/hicolor"?).All icons are located in subdirectories like "16x16","32x32" and the like, but none are directly in "hicolor" - is this correct?

This is what KDE outputs when I start it from within a Gnome terminal in a Gnome session:


root@Loonyx:/etc/X11# startkde
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
ksplash: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
DCOPServer up and running.
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
kded: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
kded: WARNING: KServiceType::offers : servicetype KDEDModule not found
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
kcminit: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
Mutex destroy failure: Device or resource busy
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
kmixctrl: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
Mutex destroy failure: Device or resource busy
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
knotify: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
ksmserver: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
kwin: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
Kwin: anscheinend läuft bereits ein Fenstermanager. Kwin wird nicht gestartet.
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
kdesktop: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
kicker: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
kdesktop: ERROR: ERROR 3: couldn't create slave : Aufruf des
Ein/Ausgabe-Moduls nicht möglich.
klauncher meldet: Unbekanntes Protokoll "file".
kicker: WARNING: KDE detected X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window
parameter) 9
  Major opcode:  14
  QFile::open: No file name specified
  Couldn't open
  kicker: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
  QWidget::setMinimumSize: The smallest allowed size is (0,0)
  QWidget::setMaximumSize: (unnamed/DigitalClock) Negative sizes (2,-4) are
not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: The smallest allowed size is (0,0)
QWidget::setMaximumSize: (unnamed/QLabel) Negative sizes (61,-4) are not
QWidget::setMinimumSize: The smallest allowed size is (0,0)
QWidget::setMaximumSize: (unnamed/DigitalClock) Negative sizes (2,-4) are
not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: The smallest allowed size is (0,0)
QWidget::setMaximumSize: (unnamed/QLabel) Negative sizes (61,-4) are not
kicker: WARNING: KDE detected X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window
parameter) 9
  Major opcode:  14
  QFile::open: No file name specified
  Couldn't open
  klipper: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
  kicker: WARNING: KDE detected X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or
Window parameter) 9
  Major opcode:  14
  QFile::open: No file name specified
  Couldn't open
  ktip: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
  QFile::open: No file name specified
  Couldn't open
  kwrited: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
  QObject::connect: No such slot KWrited::block_in(const char*,int)
  QObject::connect:  (sender name:   'unnamed')
  QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'unnamed')
  kicker: WARNING: KDE detected X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or
Window parameter) 9
  Major opcode:  14
  kdeinit: Fatal IO error: client killed
  kdeinit: sending SIGHUP to children.
  KLauncher: Exiting on signal 1
  root@Loonyx:/etc/X11# kdeinit: sending SIGTERM to children.
  kdeinit: Exit.

When I start dcop and kioslave by hand, I get the following output:
root@Loonyx:~/entpackt/kde# kded
FATAL: DCOP communication problem!
root@Loonyx:~/entpackt/kde# dcop
server not accessible
root@Loonyx:~/entpackt/kde# dcopserver
DCOPServer up and running.
root@Loonyx:~/entpackt/kde# kded
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
kded: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
kded: WARNING: KServiceType::offers : servicetype
KDEDModule not found

I am not sure where the "No file name specified" error comes from, but I could imagine that in some mysterious config file somewhere the path to the default hicolor icons etc. is not set. This file seems to be neither in /etc/kde3 nor in ~/.kde because when I rename both to hide them, and then enter "startkde" from a Gnome session, I get basically the same errors like when they are present. This is the resulting output:


root@Loonyx:/etc/kde3.umb/debian# ./startkde
X Error of failed request:  86
  Major opcode of failed request:  51 (X_SetFontPath)
    Serial number of failed request:  9
      Current serial number in output stream:  11
      DCOPServer up and running.
      QFile::open: No file name specified
      Couldn't open
      kwin: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
      kwin: it looks like there's already a window manager running. kwin not
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
kpersonalizer: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
kpersonalizer: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
ksplash: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
DCOPServer up and running.
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
kded: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
Running script 'move_favicons.sh'
Script: Writing entries to /tmp/kde-root/kconf_updatehETySb.tmp
Script: Filtered entries written to /tmp/kde-root/kconf_updateyK2wrb.tmp
Running script 'convertShortcuts.pl'
Script: Writing entries to /tmp/kde-root/kconf_updateOeDztc.tmp
Script: Filtered entries written to /tmp/kde-root/kconf_updateXwCala.tmp
Write ActiveEffect -> togamma
Write ActiveValue -> 0.7
Write Size -> 48
Write background -> 220,220,220
Write buttonBackground -> 228,228,228
Write buttonForeground -> 0,0,0
Write foreground -> 0,0,0
Write linkColor -> 0,0,192
Write selectBackground -> 10,95,137
Write selectForeground -> 255,255,255
Write visitedLinkColor -> 128,0,128
Write widgetStyle -> HighColor
Write windowBackground -> 255,255,255
Write windowForeground -> 0,0,0
Write Desktop Screenshot -> default(Ctrl+Print)
Write Enable/Disable Clipboard Actions -> default(Alt+Ctrl+X)
Write Execute Command -> default(Alt+F2)
Write Halt Computer -> none
Write Halt without Confirmation -> none
Write Kill Window -> default(Alt+Ctrl+Escape)
Write Lock Screen -> default(Alt+Ctrl+L)
Write Logout -> default(Alt+Ctrl+Delete)
Write Logout without Confirmation -> default(Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Delete)
Write Manually Invoke Action on Current Clipboard -> default(Alt+Ctrl+R)
Write Mouse Emulation -> default(Alt+F12)
Write Popup Launch Menu -> default(Alt+F1)
Write Reboot Computer -> none
Write Reboot without Confirmation -> none
Write Show Klipper Popup-Menu -> default(Alt+Ctrl+V)
Write Show Taskmanager -> default(Ctrl+Escape)
Write Show Window List -> default(Alt+F5)
Write Switch One Desktop Down -> none
Write Switch One Desktop Up -> none
Write Switch One Desktop to the Left -> none
Write Switch One Desktop to the Right -> none
Write Switch To Next Keyboard Layout -> default(Alt+Ctrl+K)
Write Switch to Desktop 1 -> default(Ctrl+F1)
Write Switch to Desktop 10 -> default(Ctrl+F10)
Write Switch to Desktop 11 -> default(Ctrl+F11)
Write Switch to Desktop 12 -> default(Ctrl+F12)
Write Switch to Desktop 13 -> default(Ctrl+Shift+F1)
Write Switch to Desktop 14 -> default(Ctrl+Shift+F2)
Write Switch to Desktop 15 -> default(Ctrl+Shift+F3)
Write Switch to Desktop 16 -> default(Ctrl+Shift+F4)
Write Switch to Desktop 2 -> default(Ctrl+F2)
Write Switch to Desktop 3 -> default(Ctrl+F3)
Write Switch to Desktop 4 -> default(Ctrl+F4)
Write Switch to Desktop 5 -> default(Ctrl+F5)
Write Switch to Desktop 6 -> default(Ctrl+F6)
Write Switch to Desktop 7 -> default(Ctrl+F7)
Write Switch to Desktop 8 -> default(Ctrl+F8)
Write Switch to Desktop 9 -> default(Ctrl+F9)
Write Switch to Next Desktop -> none
Write Switch to Previous Desktop -> none
Write Toggle Showing Desktop -> default(Alt+Ctrl+D)
Write Toggle Window Raise/Lower -> none
Write Walk Through Desktop List -> default(Ctrl+Tab)
Write Walk Through Desktop List (Reverse) -> default(Ctrl+Shift+Tab)
Write Walk Through Desktops -> none
Write Walk Through Desktops (Reverse) -> none
Write Walk Through Windows -> default(Alt+Tab)
Write Walk Through Windows (Reverse) -> default(Alt+Shift+Tab)
Write Window Close -> default(Alt+F4)
Write Window Iconify -> none
Write Window Lower -> none
Write Window Maximize -> none
Write Window Maximize Horizontal -> none
Write Window Maximize Vertical -> none
Write Window Move -> none
Write Window Operations Menu -> default(Alt+F3)
Write Window Raise -> none
Write Window Resize -> none
Write Window Screenshot -> default(Alt+Print)
Write Window Shade -> none
Write Window to Desktop 1 -> none
Write Window to Desktop 10 -> none
Write Window to Desktop 11 -> none
Write Window to Desktop 12 -> none
Write Window to Desktop 13 -> none
Write Window to Desktop 14 -> none
Write Window to Desktop 15 -> none
Write Window to Desktop 16 -> none
Write Window to Desktop 2 -> none
Write Window to Desktop 3 -> none
Write Window to Desktop 4 -> none
Write Window to Desktop 5 -> none
Write Window to Desktop 6 -> none
Write Window to Desktop 7 -> none
Write Window to Desktop 8 -> none
Write Window to Desktop 9 -> none
Write Window to Next Desktop -> none
Write Window to Previous Desktop -> none
Write ChangeCursor -> true
Write EffectAnimateCombo -> false
Write EffectFadeMenu -> false
Write EffectFadeTooltip -> false
Write EffectsEnabled -> false
Write ShowIconsOnPushButtons -> false
Write SingleClick -> true
Write colorScheme -> <default>
Write contrast -> 7
Write macStyle -> false
Write Country -> de
Write Language -> de
Write ActiveEffect -> togamma
Write ActiveValue -> 0.7
Write activeBackground -> 10,95,137
Write activeBlend -> 10,95,137
Write activeForeground -> 255,255,255
Write activeTitleBtnBg -> 220,220,220
Write inactiveBackground -> 220,220,220
Write inactiveBlend -> 220,220,220
Write inactiveForeground -> 0,0,0
Write inactiveTitleBtnBg -> 220,220,220
Running script 'klipper-1-2.pl'
Script: Writing entries to /tmp/kde-root/kconf_updateRCfu6b.tmp
Script: Filtered entries written to /tmp/kde-root/kconf_update1PlgDb.tmp
Running script 'schemaStrip.pl'
Script: Writing entries to /tmp/kde-root/kconf_updateyZ07oa.tmp
Script: Filtered entries written to /tmp/kde-root/kconf_updateEL0qoa.tmp
Running script 'move_session_config.sh'
Script: Writing entries to /tmp/kde-root/kconf_updatezUBnjc.tmp
Script: Filtered entries written to /tmp/kde-root/kconf_updateZIFSqc.tmp
Running script 'pluginlibFix.pl'
Script: Writing entries to /tmp/kde-root/kconf_updateefQYAb.tmp
Script: Filtered entries written to /tmp/kde-root/kconf_updatepF2v8b.tmp
Write CommandActiveTitlebar2 -> Lower
Write CommandActiveTitlebar3 -> Operations menu
Write PluginLib -> kwin_default
Write AltTabStyle -> KDE
Write AnimateMinimize -> true
Write AnimateShade -> true
Write FocusPolicy -> ClickToFocus
Write MoveMode -> Opaque
Write MoveResizeMaximizedWindows -> true
Write ResizeMode -> Opaque
Write ShadeHover -> true
Write TitlebarDoubleClickCommand -> Shade
Running script 'noatun20update'
Script: Writing entries to /tmp/kde-root/kconf_update9XfCdb.tmp
Script: Filtered entries written to /tmp/kde-root/kconf_updateMKHWub.tmp
Invalid entry (missing '=') at /tmp/kde-root/kconf_updateMKHWub.tmp:1
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
kded: WARNING: KServiceType::offers : servicetype KDEDModule not found
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
kcminit: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
Mutex destroy failure: Device or resource busy
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
kmixctrl: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
Mutex destroy failure: Device or resource busy
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
knotify: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
ksmserver: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
kwin: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
Kwin: anscheinend läuft bereits ein Fenstermanager. Kwin wird nicht gestartet.
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
kdesktop: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
kdesktop: WARNING: Can't open /root/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml
QFile::open: No file name specified
Couldn't open
kicker: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
kicker: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
kdesktop: ERROR: ERROR 3: couldn't create slave : Aufruf des
Ein/Ausgabe-Moduls nicht möglich.
klauncher meldet: Unbekanntes Protokoll "file".
QWidget::setMinimumSize: The smallest allowed size is (0,0)
QWidget::setMaximumSize: (unnamed/DigitalClock) Negative sizes (2,-4) are
not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: The smallest allowed size is (0,0)
QWidget::setMaximumSize: (unnamed/QLabel) Negative sizes (61,-4) are not
QWidget::setMinimumSize: The smallest allowed size is (0,0)
QWidget::setMaximumSize: (unnamed/DigitalClock) Negative sizes (2,-4) are
not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: The smallest allowed size is (0,0)
QWidget::setMaximumSize: (unnamed/QLabel) Negative sizes (61,-4) are not
kicker: WARNING: KDE detected X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window
parameter) 9
  Major opcode:  14
  QFile::open: No file name specified
  Couldn't open
  klipper: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
  kicker: WARNING: KDE detected X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or
Window parameter) 9
  Major opcode:  14
  QFile::open: No file name specifiedQFile::open: No file name specified
  Couldn't open
  kwrited: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!

  Couldn't open
  ktip: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
  QObject::connect: No such slot KWrited::block_in(const char*,int)
  QObject::connect:  (sender name:   'unnamed')
  QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'unnamed')
  QTextImage: no mimesource for hicolor/48x48/filesystems/ftp.png
  QFile::open: No file name specified
  Couldn't open
  kab2kabc: ERROR: Error: standard icon theme "hicolor" not found!
  Mutex destroy failure: Device or resource busy
  kicker: WARNING: KDE detected X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or
Window parameter) 9
  Major opcode:  14
  kdeinit: Fatal IO error: client killed
  kdeinit: sending SIGHUP to children.
  KLauncher: Exiting on signal 1
  root@Loonyx:/etc/kde3.umb/debian# kdeinit: sending SIGTERM to children.
  kdeinit: Exit.

Please help me to get KDE to work again, because I need its aRts sound system to develop a synthesizer program for my thesis.

                        MAY THE SOFTWARE BE WITH YOU!

I                  CYBERYOGI Christian Oliver(=CO=) Windler                  I
I         (teachmaster of LOGOLOGIE - the first cyberage-religion!)          I
I                                      !                                     I

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