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Re: please be more careful about your team uploads

On 2024-05-08 16:08:07, Alexandre Detiste wrote:
> Hi,
> That was the very first day I got to work on DPT packages;
> so well yes, I did some mistakes at first;
> and having been DM for far too long (~10 years) I needed to retrain;
> I had so many things stuck in my queue at first.
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-python/2023/12/msg00012.html
> I'm now going through the ITP's
> needed for stalled package updates.

Great to have you onboard, just don't forget to push next time. :)

For what it's worth, my trick for this is i register my local git repos
in myrepos and run "mr status" from time to time, which tells me when i
forget to push. I do try to be particularly more careful when i work on
team packages, especially if i'm not an uploader...


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