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Salsa: Setup tokens


this is not a regular support message. I was not able to find clear information in the wiki or somewhere else. Please point me to it if exist. My intention is to improve the related wiki pages about it.

The command "salsa create_repo" do not work because of a missing SALSA_TOKEN. Technically it is clear to me why this happens. My question is how am I supposed to handle that in the context of DPT and its policy.

The error message:

salsa warn: SALSA_TOKEN not set in configuration files. Some commands may fail salsa warn: Project not created: Error POSTing https://salsa.debian.org/api/v4/projects (HTTP 401): Unauthorized {"message":"401 Unauthorized"} at /usr/share/perl5/Devscripts/Salsa/create_repo.pm line 36.

OK, I logged into Salsa and navigated to "User Settings" -> "Access Tokens". I assume I have to create a "Personal Access Tokens" instead of a "Feed Token" or "Incoming mail token"?

Are there any suggestions or recommendations from DPT about the "Expiration date"?

What is about "select scopes"? I see 10 unchecked items. They are described but it is not totally clear for new users what they are about or what the implications are. Any recommendations from DPT about that? Just select all?

A more broad question: I never used tokens before. I do use SSH keys when accessing Codeberg, GitHub or something else. Are this tokens a replacement for SSH keys? Should I prefer one of this two methods?

Thanks in advance
Christian Buhtz

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