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Re: Feature Request (docu): Define "dsc-file"


Am Fri, Mar 15, 2024 at 07:39:39AM +0000 schrieb c.buhtz@posteo.jp:
> Hi,
> this is a feature request to someone who has access and the knowledge to
> improve.
> Description of the problem:
> The second paragraph in
> <https://wiki.debian.org/Python/GitPackaging#Creating_a_new_package> tell me
> about importing a "dsc-file" without explaining what a dsc-file is or why I
> have to import it. The knowledge background is missing.

Please try a web search for instance with the terms

    debian source format dsc file

which brought several helpful links.  Alternatively you can ask ChatGPT,
Gemini or the LLM of your choice

    Can you explain what "import an existing .dsc file" means?

which produced a very verbose and good understandable text for me.

I do not think that things which are easy to find and is pretty clear
for the average reader of the text you want to extend should be written
down here.

Thank you for your suggestion anyway

> There is a hyper link behind the text "import an existing .dsc file"
> pointing to <https://wiki.debian.org/PackagingWithGit/GitDpm/ImportDsc>.
> Regarding that URL I assume this wiki entry is not maintained by DPT. But it
> also do not explain about dsc-file.
> Suggested solution:
> Create or locate the dsc-file definition in the wiki. It should be an extra
> page. Then just use a hyperlink in your own docu to point to that
> definition.
>     "import an existing .dsc file"
>      ^^^^^^             ^^^^^^^^^
>      I                  L <https://wiki.debian.org/DSC-DEFINITION>
>      L <https://wiki.debian.org/PackagingWithGit/GitDpm/ImportDsc>
> Please let me know if there is another "channel" where I should open such
> requests.
> Thanks in advance
> Christian Buhtz


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