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Re: morph's abandoned packages (list)

Hi Julian,

thanks a lot for assembling these lists.

To inspire potential takers I'd like to add the according popcon

Am Thu, Mar 14, 2024 at 06:20:11AM +0000 schrieb Julian Gilbey:
> If you are interested in taking one
> or more of them on, that would be great!

> Removal requested:
>     #1066146 RM: flask-basicauth -- ROM; RC buggy, dead upstream, leaf package
>     #1065141 RM: gmplot -- ROM; leaf package
>     #1064947 RM: nb2plots -- ROM; leaf package
>     #1065200 RM: overpass -- ROM; leaf package
>     #1065199 RM: pprintpp -- ROM; leaf package
>     #1065045 RM: pyannotate -- ROM; leaf package
>     #1065201 RM: python-overpy -- ROM; leaf package
>     #1065202 RM: python-ppmd -- ROM; leaf package
>     #1064946 RM: sphinx-a4doc -- ROM; leaf package

udd=> SELECT package, insts, vote, olde, recent FROM popcon WHERE package IN (
  SELECT DISTINCT package FROM packages WHERE release = 'sid' AND source IN (
   'flask-basicauth', 'gmplot', 'nb2plots', 'overpass', 'pprintpp', 'pyannotate', 'python-overpy', 'python-ppmd', 'sphinx-a4doc'
) ;
         package         | insts | vote | olde | recent 
 python-ppmd-doc         |     3 |    0 |    0 |      0
 python3-flask-basicauth |    23 |    1 |   18 |      4
 python3-gmplot          |    21 |    4 |   12 |      4
 python3-nb2plots        |    11 |    0 |    5 |      6
 python3-overpass        |    78 |    7 |   61 |     10
 python3-overpy          |    80 |    9 |   62 |      9
 python3-ppmd            |     7 |    1 |    5 |      1
 python3-pprintpp        |    21 |    2 |   11 |      8
 python3-pyannotate      |     5 |    1 |    4 |      0
 python3-sphinx-a4doc    |    13 |    2 |    9 |      2
(10 rows)

BTW, the fact that a package has no maintainer is not a good reason for
a package removal.  If someone is interested in one of the packages this
should be added to the according bug report.

> Recently-orphaned packages (removing those in wnpp which have been
> retitled "ITA") sorted alphabetically; these could, of course, be
> brought into team maintenance.
>     #1065235 O: basemap -- matplotlib toolkit to plot on map projections
>     #1065243 O: colorspacious -- library for doing colorspace conversions
>     #1065151 O: commonmark -- Python parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec
>     #1065246 O: contourpy -- Python library for calculating contours of 2D quadrilateral grids
>     #1065248 O: cppy -- C++ headers for (Python) C extension development
>     #1065139 O: dot2tex -- Graphviz to LaTeX converter
>     #1065140 O: fastkml -- fast KML processing
>     #1065142 O: html5lib -- HTML parser/tokenizer based on the WHATWG HTML5 specification
>     #1065244 O: kiwisolver -- fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver
>     #1065238 O: lazy-object-proxy -- Python 3 fast and thorough lazy object proxy
>     #1065037 O: m2crypto -- Python wrapper for the OpenSSL library
>     #1065325 O: matplotlib -- Python based plotting system
>     #1065143 O: mkautodoc -- AutoDoc for MarkDown
>     #1065042 O: mpl-sphinx-theme -- documentation for the mpl-sphinx-theme Python library
>     #1065220 O: mpmath -- library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic
>     #1065224 O: mysql-connector-python -- pure Python implementation of MySQL Client/Server protocol
>     #1065198 O: networkx -- tool to create, manipulate and study complex networks
>     #1065329 O: numpy -- Fast array facility to the Python 3 language
>     #1065221 O: py7zr -- pure Python 7-zip library
>     #1065222 O: pychm -- Python binding for CHMLIB
>     #1065231 O: pydot -- Python interface to Graphviz's dot
>     #1065152 O: pygeoif -- basic implementation of the __geo_interface__
>     #1065036 O: pyopenssl -- Python wrapper around the OpenSSL library
>     #1065149 O: pyproject-metadata -- Dataclass for PEP 621 metadata with support for [core metadata] generation
>     #1065223 O: pysimplesoap -- simple and lightweight SOAP Library
>     #1064977 O: python-cryptography-vectors -- Test vectors for python-cryptography
>     #1065327 O: python-levenshtein -- extension for computing string similarities and edit distances
>     #1065025 O: sphinx-book-theme -- clean book theme for scientific explanations and documentation with Sphinx
>     #1065026 O: sphinx-bootstrap-theme -- bootstrap theme for Sphinx
>     #1065030 O: sphinxcontrib-log-cabinet -- Organize changelog directives in Sphinx docs
>     #1065027 O: sphinx-copybutton -- sphinx extension to add a "copy" button to code blocks
>     #1065028 O: sphinx-gallery -- extension that builds an HTML gallery of examples from Python scripts
>     #1065029 O: sphinx-panels -- documentation for the sphinx-panels Python library
>     #1065043 O: sphinxtesters -- utilities for testing Sphinx extensions
>     #1064948 O: texext -- sphinx extensions for working with LaTeX math

udd=> SELECT package, insts, vote, olde, recent FROM popcon WHERE package IN (
  SELECT DISTINCT package FROM packages WHERE release = 'sid' AND source IN (
'basemap', 'colorspacious', 'commonmark', 'contourpy', 'cppy', 'dot2tex', 'fastkml', 'html5lib', 'kiwisolver', 'lazy-object-proxy',
'm2crypto', 'matplotlib', 'mkautodoc', 'mpl-sphinx-theme', 'mpmath', 'mysql-connector-python', 'networkx', 'numpy', 'py7zr', 'pychm',
'pydot', 'pygeoif', 'pyopenssl', 'pyproject-metadata', 'pysimplesoap', 'python-cryptography-vectors', 'python-levenshtein', 
'sphinx-book-theme', 'sphinx-bootstrap-theme', 'sphinxcontrib-log-cabinet', 'sphinx-copybutton', 'sphinx-gallery', 'sphinx-panels',
'sphinxtesters', 'texext'
) ;
              package              | insts  | vote  |  olde  | recent 
 dot2tex                           |    716 |    43 |    619 |     54
 python-cppy-doc                   |      4 |     0 |      0 |      0
 python-m2crypto-doc               |     12 |     0 |      0 |      0
 python-matplotlib-data            |  22809 | 18956 |   2512 |    557
 python-mpl-sphinx-theme-doc       |      6 |     0 |      0 |      0
 python-mpltoolkits.basemap-data   |    108 |    50 |     16 |      0
 python-mpltoolkits.basemap-doc    |     23 |     0 |      0 |      0
 python-mpmath-doc                 |     77 |     0 |      0 |      0
 python-openssl-doc                |    200 |     0 |      0 |      0
 python-py7zr-doc                  |      6 |     0 |      0 |      0
 python-sphinx-copybutton-doc      |      8 |     0 |      0 |      0
 python-sphinx-gallery-doc         |     13 |     0 |      0 |      0
 python-sphinx-panels-doc          |      3 |     0 |      0 |      0
 python3-chm                       |   6249 |   351 |   5287 |    608
 python3-colorspacious             |    100 |     6 |     87 |      7
 python3-commonmark                |    670 |    71 |    499 |    100
 python3-contourpy                 |  15839 |   980 |  12991 |   1864
 python3-cppy                      |      6 |     1 |      3 |      2
 python3-cryptography-vectors      |    139 |     6 |    114 |     19
 python3-fastkml                   |     12 |     1 |      9 |      2
 python3-html5lib                  |  46624 |  3188 |  39230 |   4175
 python3-kiwisolver                |  21653 |  2350 |  17444 |   1851
 python3-lazy-object-proxy         |   4342 |   735 |   3357 |    244
 python3-levenshtein               |   3459 |   573 |   2541 |    341
 python3-m2crypto                  |    708 |   322 |    283 |    102
 python3-matplotlib                |  22035 | 18962 |   2505 |    562
 python3-mkautodoc                 |     10 |     1 |      5 |      4
 python3-mpl-sphinx-theme          |     13 |     2 |      9 |      2
 python3-mpltoolkits.basemap       |     67 |    50 |     16 |      0
 python3-mpmath                    |  17051 |  4900 |   9697 |   2449
 python3-mysql.connector           |    311 |    52 |    201 |     58
 python3-networkx                  |   4620 |   718 |   3373 |    517
 python3-numpy                     |  42669 | 25102 |  14581 |   2976
 python3-openssl                   |  37731 | 17415 |  17089 |   3190
 python3-py7zr                     |   6206 |   585 |   4899 |    722
 python3-pydot                     |   4266 |   244 |   3499 |    516
 python3-pygeoif                   |     74 |    16 |     51 |      7
 python3-pyproject-metadata        |     40 |     4 |     23 |     13
 python3-pysimplesoap              | 199311 | 32510 | 134776 |  31983
 python3-sphinx-book-theme         |     47 |    13 |     22 |     12
 python3-sphinx-bootstrap-theme    |    291 |    20 |    226 |     45
 python3-sphinx-copybutton         |    365 |    53 |    249 |     63
 python3-sphinx-gallery            |     59 |     8 |     35 |     16
 python3-sphinx-panels             |     20 |     5 |      6 |      9
 python3-sphinxcontrib-log-cabinet |     17 |    14 |      2 |      1
 python3-sphinxtesters             |     21 |     3 |      9 |      9
 python3-texext                    |     23 |     4 |     11 |      8
(47 rows)

> There's also an old ITP that was closed:
>     #1015231 ITP: sphinx-theme-builder -- tool for authoring Sphinx themes with a simple (opinionated) workflow

Maybe it makes sense to turn this into RFP.

Kind regards


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