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Re: O: python-cryptography -- Python library exposing cryptographic recipes and primitives (documentation)


as per bug #1064979 python-cryptography was orphaned.  Actually the
process of orphaninig is defined differently[1] by setting QA team as
maintainer.  In this case DPT remains maintainer but there is no
Uploader specified any more.  I personally will not add my ID as
Uploader.  I have added those team members who did uploads in the last
year in CC.

I tried to do some bug squashing anyway.  Since the latest version was
requested in bug #1063771 and this new version also closes #1064778
(CVE-2024-26130) (the other CVE-bug should have been closed in previous
upload) I decided to inject latest upstream, adapted the patches and
pushed to Git.  Unfortunately the package does not build as you can
verify in Salsa CI[1].

I admit I have no clue how to fix this but I hope someone can take over
from here.  I guess uploading to experimental first and see how it
plays nicely with its lots of rdepends makes sense here.

Kind regards

PS: I would have expected that to orphan a team maintained package the
    team mailing list would have been CCed in the bug report.

[1] https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/pkgs.en.html#orphaning-a-package
[2] https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/packages/python-cryptography/-/jobs/5381997


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