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help to fix ftbfs issue #1052815 for python-sparse


I am looking at the issue and trying to fix it.

If upgrading to 0.14.0[0] directly does not fix the issue and it is in
complicated situation. So below I will explain what I do.

First to fix #1052815[1], wo need to adjust pybuild with custom way:
PYBUILD_TEST_ARGS="{interpreter} -m pytest -v" \
Okay, it works. But unfortunately, the test cases failed.

-- Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/capture-warnings.html
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED sparse/tests/test_coo_numba.py::TestBasic::test_roundtrip - numba.core...
FAILED sparse/tests/test_coo_numba.py::TestBasic::test_roundtrip_constant - n...
FAILED sparse/tests/test_coo_numba.py::TestBasic::test_unpack_attrs - numba.c...
FAILED sparse/tests/test_coo_numba.py::TestBasic::test_repack_attrs - numba.c...
FAILED sparse/tests/test_dot.py::test_tensordot[coo-gcxs-a_shape1-b_shape1-axes1]
FAILED sparse/tests/test_dot.py::test_tensordot[coo-gcxs-a_shape3-b_shape3-axes3]
FAILED sparse/tests/test_dot.py::test_tensordot[coo-gcxs-a_shape7-b_shape7-axes7]
FAILED sparse/tests/test_dot.py::test_tensordot[coo-gcxs-a_shape9-b_shape9-0]
FAILED sparse/tests/test_dot.py::test_tensordot[gcxs-coo-a_shape1-b_shape1-axes1]
==== 9 failed, 5402 passed, 36 xfailed, 49 xpassed, 3729 warnings in 44.59s ====


The upstream has reported the bug[2] then I applied the workaround in
issue 8993[3], but it still got some cases failed:
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED sparse/tests/test_coo_numba.py::TestBasic::test_roundtrip - numba.core...
FAILED sparse/tests/test_coo_numba.py::TestBasic::test_roundtrip_constant - n...
FAILED sparse/tests/test_coo_numba.py::TestBasic::test_unpack_attrs - numba.c...
FAILED sparse/tests/test_coo_numba.py::TestBasic::test_repack_attrs - numba.c...

It seems the bug was raised by numba and fixed in 0.57 but not sure
why it fails on Debian here.

But maybe I am wrong to get the conclusion above because from upstream
issue 393[4], the problem maybe
due to entry points of sparse. But I have no idea how to fix the issue
properly. For example, If I install
python3-hyperspy[5] to run tests and it will pass. I suspect
python-sparse was installed properly when installing
python3-hyperspy which depend on python-sparse and installing
python3-hyperspy should not to as workaround at all.

So what is properly way to fix the issue? TIA.


[0]: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/python-sparse
[1]: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1052815
[2]: https://github.com/pydata/sparse/issues/594
[3]: https://github.com/numba/numba/issues/8993
[4]: https://github.com/pydata/sparse/issues/393
[5]: https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/packages/python-sparse/-/pipelines/595732

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