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review for lazy-loader/0.3-1


I took a look at lazy-loader, up for sponsorship in the Python Team:

* copyright: years outdated;
* control: long description would benefit from some more details
  explaining what lazy loader is and does, e.g. a summary of [1];
* control: standards-version is slightly out-of-date;
* watch: upstream uses signed tags for releases, please add the
  upstream key in the packaging and make uscan verify the signature.
  Since the watch file already uses git mode, you might only have to
  add the pgpmode=gittag option once the upstream key is in place for
  verification to work.

Please re-add the package to the channel topic on IRC once the above
issues have been fixed.

[1]https://scientific-python.org/specs/spec-0001/ standards-version

Attachment: pgp1nIhHj0vc9.pgp
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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