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Re: Location of translations for package description

Dear Joost,

thanks for the reply.

I understand there is a project doing this manually.

Am 20.02.2023 15:07 schrieb Joost van Baal-Ilić:
See https://ddtp.debian.org/ and https://wiki.debian.org/DDTP for information
on the translation infrastructure for package descriptions.

Puh... How do I say that? It is far away from being a documentation understandable by extern persons. I just want to understand how the translations are integrated in the packaging process.

I assume from the side of upstream maintainers and debian maintainers no actions required. Correct?

I also assume there is an automatic mechanism that the translations are marked as outdated when the original source (e.g. the control file on salsa) is modified. Correct?

Christian Buhtz

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