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Re: review for kivy/2.1.0-1

Hi, thanks!

> * Copyright: try using standard license shortnames [1] where
>   possible: Easing appears identical to BSD-3-clause; Khronos looks
>   a lot like Expat.

You're right, the wording differed from the sample text, so I used different names, but the differences are not enough to change the license.

I can change the Easing to use the BSD-3-clause short name, but I'm not sure what to do about the Khronos. The copyright file already has an "Expat" entry and according to Policy section 12.5. A "verbatim copy of its copyright and distribution license" must be included. An email in debian-legal [1] clarifies that really there should be no changes other than minor punctuation or whitespace variations. The standard Expat uses the word "Software" and the Khronos uses "Materials".

If I need a verbatim copy of both licenses, don't I need to rename one of them? If I merge them, which text do I keep?

[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2005/01/msg00519.html

> * Rules, lintian: are the files in kivy/tools/image-testsuite somehow
>   used by or called from within kivy? The readme in there talks about
>   generating image test suites for kivy's imageloaders. I don't know
>   whether this is something end users of kivy normally do; if not,
>   probably best to not install that directory at all rather than
>   appease lintian with an override and that chmod in d/rules.
> [1]https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/#license-short-name

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