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Re: Python 3.11 for bookworm?

Sandro Tosi <morph@debian.org> writes:

> thoughts from a concerned maintainer

Sandro, thank you for writing this email.

> it seems this email advocates for a "let's wing it"[1] type of transition.
> [1] https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/wing_it
> It appears there has been little work in preparing the work to
> introduce python3.11 from its maintainer, instead that works has been
> pushed downstream to maintainers.
> if we continue with the plan as described above, several python
> libraries/applications maintainers will be left with the short end of
> the stick and deal with an unknown amount of issues (upstream fixes
> not available, not ready and or/ not released, rushed, etc) with less
> than a month from the beginning of the transition freeze[2]

Agreed. At a bare minimum, complete data from ratt (Rebuild All The
Things) should be required at this point.

> [2] https://release.debian.org/bullseye/freeze_policy.html
> [2] also highlights at the very beginning "Plan your changes for
> bullseye", this change appears as if it was not planned and we should
> be skeptical to proceed without further (and in advance) understanding
> of the impact it may have on Bullseye.

100% +1  I'm especially concerned about how a clear plan was not
communicated to other teams--whose work will be broken by the proposed
transition, were an exception to be granted.

Debian is not a paragon of community if it makes late, unannounced
changes that result in a yet-undetermined number of projects being
dropped from bookworm's release.  If Python 3.11 as the only supported
version is a release goal, then the freeze schedule would need to be


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