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Re: Eric-22.12 and trove-classifiers

Hi Guðjón!

[We discussed this in private but I will copy my answers to the list.]

On Sat, Dec 17, 2022 at 06:09:21PM +0000, Guðjón Guðjónsson wrote:
> Hi list
> I am working on eric and I do have an issue before release.
> It depends on trove-classifiers which isn't packaged in Debian. I have
> tried to make a package out of it but not luck.
> First it depends on calver that is not packaged in Debian.
> Secondly. After having installed calver, the build stops with the following
> error:
> E: pybuild pybuild:386: configure: plugin distutils failed with: exit
> code=1: python3.11 setup.py config
> dh_auto_configure: error: pybuild --configure -i python{version} -p "3.11
> 3.10" returned exit code 13
> make: *** [debian/rules:10: binary] Error 13
> Does anyone have a solution to this?

calver sets the version based on the current date. We don't want this,
we want to use the same version that upstream used when generating the

To achieve that, you may export DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM from debian/rules,
and then patch setup.py to remove use_calver=True and instead pass
version=os.environ["DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM"] to setup().

On Sun, Dec 18, 2022 at 04:01:05PM +0000, Guðjón Guðjónsson wrote:
> The trove-classfiers library is only three minor files and the calver
> library is a single small file, I don't find
> it worth it to make Debian packages out of them plus I can only build them
> using setuptools.
> Eric contains a ThirdParty directory and I can add the trove-classifiers
> there and it works perfectly.
> Is there any drawback from adding trove-classifiers as a patch in the Eric
> package?

I think it's better to have trove-classifiers packaged separately. It looks
like it's updated quite frequently (around 2 times a month, see [1]), so
having it as a separate package will allow us to update it on its own

Dmitry Shachnev

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