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Re: Need a hand with tiledb-python

On Tue, 10 May 2022 06:13:33 -0500
Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I look after the 'tiledb' (a C++ library) package and the 'tiledb-r'
> package. I also effectively maintain 'tiledb-python' but I am running
> into some issues there.  I do know a little bit of Python and have
> (co-)maintained two or three packages there for decades but this one
> stumps me.
> Larger context is that that upstream is fairly heavy user of Conda
> and used to a lot of explicit version pinning. 

First, I would strongly recommend enabling Salsa CI - helps those
trying to help you by having public build logs etc.. Also, use the
lintian-brush package (against a git clone in a SID chroot/vm) to trim
out some of the versions listed in the build-dependencies. (Debian BD
don't need to refer to versions not in the archive, so a straight copy
from setup.py isn't useful.)

I've now done a number of packages where upstream rely on Conda. There
is no simple solution - the best option is to aggressively patch out
the key conditionals which determine how Conda support interferes with
Debian packaging & patch out the overly strict version handling.

New support in pybuild may help your specific package but I've found it
easier to patch in a setup.py as that makes it more straightforward to
support a backport to buster. Depends on your needs.

The specific packages tend to also use SCons which complicates things
further - there isn't a direct example in my list.

> This creates issues
> for us here as the build wants to leave the chroot/pbuilder to match
> those pins.  Adam (CC'ed) who set this up initially already patched
> some calls out (for example sphinx docs are now local). The
> 'delicate' bit is that I actually work at TileDB ;-) and don't want
> to have a fight over the upstream choice (so I didn't bug my
> colleague yet). Upstream use is upstream use, but Debian packaging
> also has its rules.

Patches do not have to go upstream when the changes are to make the
package work in Debian instead of Conda. 

> The packaging is at
>    https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/packages/tiledb-py
> (and for historical reasons I also have one at
>    https://salsa.debian.org/edd/tiledb-py
> which it is behind) and I would *really* appreciate it if someone
> could take a look.  I tried patching requirements_dev.txt and
> misc/requirements_wheel.txt but am apparently out of my depth here. I
> reached out to Adam (CC'ed) but he is busy too.  We all know how it
> goes.
> Please CC me on follow-ups as I am not subscribed to debian-python.
> Thanks,  Dirk
> -- 
> dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd@debian.org

Neil Williams

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